“There’s good news and there’s bad news! Which one do you want first?” I’m sure all of us are no strangers to that quote. How each of us would answer will vary from individual to individual. I for one want the bad news first, followed by the good news. Something to look forward to I guess. In the case of the Gospel, it’s all about the bad news first and the good news last!
It goes like this: We’ve sinned against a Holy and Righteous God, and because of that, we deserve Hell. That’s basically it. Some may think that to be too harsh. But in all reality, it’s the truth. What’s more loving than the truth, right? Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter what one feels or thinks when faced with the reality of the truth. Now, here’s the good news. God, in His great mercy, grace and compassion sent a perfect substitutionary sacrifice to meet the requirements of the law once and for all in the person of Jesus Christ! This of course is the good news…the Gospel!
Jesus took our place on the cross so that we wouldn’t have to. He gave His life as a substitute for ours. He willingly went to the cross for you and me. He is the very definition of grace, mercy, compassion and love! And because He rose from the grave, conquering death once and for all, we can have eternal life alongside Him…if we so chose. Salvation is a free gift and we are created with free will to chose. Who doesn’t like free, right? It didn’t cost you or me anything because He already paid the ultimate price for it with His life as a ransom for ours.
The only thing we have to do is accept that free gift!
Friend, don’t put it off! Time is running out. We’re all living on borrowed time. Jesus can come back for us any moment in the rapture or you can die tomorrow. That’s the bottom line. James (Jesus’ half brother) gives us a fantastic word picture about the brevity of life in James 4:14:
“whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” (NKJV)
If you haven’t already done so, call on the name of the Lord to be saved! It’s a decision you will never regret. Think about it because your final, eternal address depends on it!
Quantum computing is something of an enigma to me. It’s a subject that seems to have many puzzle pieces still needed to be solved. I understand it as much as I do Ecclesiastes 3:15 that says:
“That which is has been already and that which will be has already been, yet God seeks what is pursued.” (LSB)
Huh? This is one of those Bible verses that makes your head spin. Well, at least it does for me. That’s exactly the way I feel with the subject of quantum computing and theoretical physics. These are big terms. Quantum computing is a field I find very alluring and mysterious because of its nature and also the implications behind coming breakthroughs in this field. It works on a sub-atomic level and deals with issues such as time crystals, quantum entanglement, superpositions, quantum coherence, quantum cryptography and so much more.
What about qubits in quantum computers versus bits in classical computing? Qubits require vastly low temperatures as a means of control. Their behavior can be affected by the slightest change and variation in light, dust, temperature, etc. Let’s just say that it’s a field with many variables. Yet it has the potential to revolutionize the world on multiple levels: Computational, Cryptographic, Medical, Scientific, Mathematic, Engineering, Militarily, Genomic and more.
The quantum computer is the hardware. And, we all know that we can’t have hardware without software. That’s where A.I. comes in. A.I. is the software, that when married to quantum computing will unleash a revolution of “breakthroughs” that will dwarf that of classical computing.
But, what does this have anything to do with the Bible? Well, the only application I can find wherein quantum computer might have a role to play is in Revelation 13:16-17:
“And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, that they be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.”
This of course is talking about the power that the false prophet will wield during the final 3.5 years of Daniel’s 70th week called the Great Tribulation. How will he be able to track everyone? How will the false prophet be able to keep track of every transaction created by every person on earth at that time? In comes quantum computing, A.I. and blockchain technology. This technology will not be developed during the 7-year tribulation—no way! This will be existing tech by the time Daniel’s 70th week arrives. So, when the time comes for the false prophet to utilize this tech against humanity, it will be ready to roll.
Needless to say that there’s a global race to see who will be the “king” of quantum tech. Who will arrive first? At present, the race is between the US, UK and the EU versus CHINA. And, China just made a possible breakthrough in the quantum puzzle utilizing time crystals. As mind blowing as quantum computing is, it also has the possibility of being extremely dangerous—to privacy that is. I am of the opinion that the Lord will not allow mankind to unleash its full potential—though He will allow for some.
Bottom line. Though the A.I. “revolution” is one to definitely keep tabs on, I would encourage each of you to also be mindful and attentive to the continued developments of quantum tech. Why? Because that will be the hardware used as a means to process all of the data being collected on human beings. Once they can process all of mankind’s data and keep tabs on everything (literally everything) you do, “they” will be able to control every facet and aspect of your everyday life. Think TOTAL control!
and that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark,” —Revelation 13:17a (NKJV)
It’s coming! It’s not a matter of ‘if’, but a matter of ‘when’. Rest assured I don’t think the “big” breakthrough in quantum computing will happen until after our departure in the rapture. Think about it, what better ‘crisis’ to take advantage of (i.e. rapture of the church) as a means to implement totalitarian tracking of those left behind than by utilizing the power of quantum computing. They will sell it to the public as technology for the good of mankind, when in turn, it will be humanities “undoing” per se.
If you’ve been following my podcasts for any period of time, then you know that one of my “defining” characteristics is my canny ability to rabbit trail on just about any subject or topic. I’d say I’m almost at expert levels. I can be headed in one direction with a conversation when suddenly a synopsis in my brain instantly moves my thought process in a different direction altogether; therefore, taking me (and the listener) on an unplanned trip down an unplanned ‘trail’—sometimes never to return to the original path.
On this specific podcast, I do some “rabbit trailing” and wanted to give fair warning to those that might be planning on a relatively “straight” path.
One of the topics I broach is that of prophecy’s shelf life. Yes, prophecy does have an expiration date…much like everything you buy at the grocery store—with exception of Hostess’ Twinkies. Prophecy is NOT like a Twinkie!
We are nearing the expiration date of some prophecies I’d say, with the biggest one being the rapture of the church! Two questions for you:
Is your house in order?
Are your bags packed and ready to go?
If you answered ‘no’ to either one of these questions (or both), then I’d strongly urge you to re-consider your walk (or lack thereof) with the Lord! Let me see if I can put your decision to give your life to Christ in these terms. In Proverbs 6, Solomon urges the reader not to become surety for a friend. This is part of life lessons Solomon teaches about in chapter 6 of Proverbs. Bottom line, Solomon says is to not co-sign for anyone. Don’t become a guaranteer for another’s debt, lest you become responsible to pay a debt you didn’t incur. What does Solomon say you should do about removing yourself from such a bind and foolish commitment? He says this about it in verse 4:
“Don’t put it off; do it now! Don’t rest until you do.” (NLT)
Friend, in like manner, if you haven’t made Jesus the Lord of your life already, I urge you to do it now. Don’t put it off. Just as the wisest man Solomon advised centuries ago in his lessons for daily life:
“Give no sleep to your eyes, Nor slumber to your eyelids.” (NKJV)
Don’t slumber, sleep or rest until you do!
😁Have A Nice Day!👍🏻
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