Also, you are correct about us thinking of persecution as physical only. There is mental, emotional, relational persecution as well.

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I agree with you about the differing kinds of persecutions/trials/tribulations (little "T"). Good catch. Blessings.

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I’m in complete agreement with you on our western privilege. I support VOM ministries, our brothers and sisters stories and testimonies are so humbling. I do believe in being prepared for emergency situations, but long term, uh no! We need to lean on God to sustain us. Easy to say, hard to do. As well as leaning on each other.

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Western affluence is a 'judgment clouder'. It fogs what we should be seeing. The stories I read in the VOM magazine really do put things into perspective. Yet most Americans in the church can't see past the tip of their noses. Sad. Being prepared for an emergency is one thing, but, prepping to hunker down and fill one's house with "overstock" is ridiculous. As you said, we need to lean on the Lord to sustain us. And yes, I agree wholeheartedly that it's easier said than done. May the Lord richly bless you. Great reading your comment. Thanks for dropping a note.

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