
Random Thoughts...(A Substack® Past LIVE)

Here's a totally random quote, but makes you think: "Why is it that our children can’t read the Bible in school, but they can in prison?" —Author Unknown

NOTE: As of this evening at 11pm (PST), the winds have died down. Not sure if they’re supposed to pick back up. Praying they don’t!

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This morning I decided to do a random LIVE on Substack® to share some thoughts about the Inauguration. What it means to me (us) for at least the next 4 years. As well as share my heart and plan for what you can expect from Serpents & Doves® in the coming weeks and months. As many of you know, 2024 was a very challenging year for S&D® in multiple areas and it reminded me of James 1:12 that says:

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” (NIV)

For those of us that are in Christ, trials, tribulations and testings are a given and a part of Christian living. It’s not a matter of “if” but rather “when”. Praise God for His patience, mercy, grace, kindness and understanding with each of us. I could be a big pill at times, and boy am I glad that I serve such a loving and patient God. As I said in the last article that each of us are unique in His eyes, much like a potter who shapes and molds each vessel to serve a unique and specific purpose. With that comes prepartion.

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The Lord uses these trying moments in our lives as a way to prepare us for what He has in store for each of us.

Today, January 20th was ‘Innauguration Monday’. I watched the whole thing, but, my basic takeaway no matter where you stand on the “like/dislike” Trump spectrum was that for the believer, we’ve been given a great opportunity. One that I pray we, as the body of Christ, would seize and capitalize on. I’m referring to what I see as a period of repreive for the church. Not for leisure’s sake nor the sake of ease. But rather for the sake of the Gospel!

I don’t know what the future holds. I’m not sure what to expect these next for years in light of so many “technocrats” now deeply entrenched in this current administration, but God does! He knows what the future holds because He’s written it before time even existed. I truly believe that this could (not saying it will, but it ‘could’) be the churches finest moment. My hope is that each of us will see this as an opportunity granted us by our Heavenly Father to get out and share the message of repentance and salvation through the gift of Jesus Christ on the cross. To take the One and Only living Jesus to a world that is perishing before our very eyes.

Freedom is a wonderful thing! But, I fear that the same freedom we esteem and hold so dear can become a hinderance for the furtherance of the Gospel message. Freedom can breed apathy—and trust me, it has! It can also give way to laziness. We might be tempted to think that “everything’s good now that Trump is in office and we can finally breathe a sigh of relief and relax for a bit, right?” Wrong! That’s the attitude that satan want’s us to have. Let’s not fall prey to the enemies traps!

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God has shown us these past four years, under the Biden/Harris Administration, just how close we came to becoming a Communist/Socialist country all the while losing our freedoms to proclaim His Truths in “the open square”.

Very close! But God…

He has granted us favor once again as a nation, not so much to become “great again” though that’s entirely up to Him—but more so to become “Great For Him!” Once again, my hope for each of us is that we would truly embrace the freedom that our Lord has afforded us in the last days to get out into the “highways and byways” and proclaim the Truth of the Gospel, the Good News!

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” —John 3:16-17 (NKJV)

Times are short so let’s get busy and give the Gospel hands and feet!

😁Have A Nice Day!👍🏻


If you’d like to get your hands on the gospel cards that I produce, please go HEREand fill out the form and I let me know how many you’d like for free. Here’s the catch, the only thing I’d ask is that you’d cover the shipping cost.

If you feel led to donate beyond the cost of shipping to help offset the costs of production (printing, ink, labels, etc.), that’d be amazing. However, if you cannot, I’ll still send them your way. You can donate/support by following the link below:

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