Here's a totally random quote, but makes you think: "Why is it that our children can’t read the Bible in school, but they can in prison?" —Author Unknown
Thank you for all you do, this past year was a very hard one for me emotionally and your posts have been very helpful to me. Unfortunately I went through a very painful learning process of trusting God to solve my problems instead of me need to prove that I can.
Hi Tracy! Thanks so much writing in and sharing with me. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your candidness. I understand what you've expressed and I am so very grateful to the Lord that He's using a broken vessel to lift other up. I know it's not me, but it is He! He gets all the credit. Way too often, I make the same mistake of thinking I can do it on my own, only to fall flat on my face. Yet, even in my "stubborness", the Lord is always there to help me back up and in His gentle way say "Alright, are you ready to keep going...will you let me?" What a loving Father we have. A love that is so difficult to comprehed but boy and am I ever so grateful for it! He loves you so, so much! May we continue to trust the Lord to help us put one foot in front of the other one at a time...and at His leading. Blessings!
Pablo, thank you for your kind words! I was fortunate to have Christian families in my classes throughout the years, and each one was a blessing!
Thank you for sharing the Trump link. What he said at the end (" ...a concept that was never heard of in all of human history...") is what we read about in Romans 1:30. The NLT phrases it "They invent new ways of sinning...") Years ago the I read this and I wondered what that meant. What kind of sin would be new? Now, it's unfolding before our very eyes. I also think of 2 Timothy 3:13 (...evil men proceeding from bad to worse...) and Isaiah 5:20 (Woe to those who cal evil good and good evil...)
Pablo, you are so right - - it is a sin issue. And unfortunately, many people do not think they are sinners in need of a Savior.
After we retired, we lived in Tennessee for about 5 years. I noticed that a lot of people "played church". It was just something they did on Sunday. If you asked how long they had been saved, they said they were "saved in the womb", or they thought they were saved because their granddaddies were preachers. It was so sad. Then I read the book "The Unsaved Christian" by Dean Inserra and it all made sense. People sit in church week after week, and somehow think that they are right with God. It reminds me of what Jesus said.
Matthew 6:22-23 NASB95 "The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!"
How sad that some people think their darkness is light.
I am so glad that to hear that your best teacher was also a Christian. The good thing about being a Christian teacher in a public school is that I had an opportunity to pray for students. I sometimes thought, "What if no one else is praying for them?" Sometimes their names just pop into my head, and I'll pray for them. I bet Mrs. Thomas did the same.
Mts. Thomas must have been a great teacher, Pablo. Your write very well!
By the way, I love it when you are with Tom Hughes on HisChannel (World News Briefing).
Pablo, thank you SO much for your response! I have followed your podcast and now your substack, and I highly respect your views.
I take no offense to what you say about the state of public schools. I am in total agreement with you. I retired n 2014, and am so glad that I do not have to deal with the "wokeness". (I am pretty sure that I would not have been allowed to stay in a principalship.) I just told my family the other day day that if I were in college today, I would not be pursuing a career in public education.
Hi Patti! I am so blessed to have gotten your response. You were so gracious and kind! It's hard to come across this kind of grace these days...and I'm referring to those within the church.
I just came across a video the President Trump put out yesterday I believe about "trans" indoctrination by the school system and title IX. Here's the link if you'd like to see it:
Though it's a big step in the right direction, they're still missing the big picture, and that is that it all boils down to a matter of the heart, more specifically a sin issue. The only One that can truly resolve this issue is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and that won't happen until He returns back to earth and us with Him on our steeds. He'll set things right then. Until then, my hope is that the church will capitalize on every opportunity to share the Gospel.
We've been given a period of reprieve. Not to kick back and relax as the church, but to get up, get out and get busy sharing Jesus.
Thanks again for your great point and comment! May our Lord richly bless you.
P.s. Thank you so, so very much for the years you gave to our country as an educator...a real one that is. The best teacher I ever had was my 6th grade teacher named Mrs. Thomas (Grace Thomas is her name, though she'll always be Mrs. Thomas to me)! I still love Mrs. Thomas. She was a believer. And, we ended up singing in the same church choir many, many years later. I loved seeing Mrs. Thomas all the time. Her husband, Glenn, was heavily involved in the men's ministries of the church at the time. He was a college football coach. Everytime he'd see me in the hallway, he'd give say "Hey big guy, how ya doing?" and then proceed to smack my bottom like a good Football coach would do. I have a special place in my heart for both of them! I'm sure you made such an impact in your students' lives as well.
P.s.s. As an educator, don't judge me on my terrible grammar and horrible use of punctuation.
In addition, I had a Bible in plain sight on my desk as a teacher and as an elementary assistant principal, and elementary principal.
It is sad to hear Christians say that God was kicked out of public schools. This is not true. God is omnipresent (Psalm 139) and cannot be kicked out of any place. What happened is that people in public schools chosse not to acknowledge God.
On another note - - it has been said that prayer is not allowed in public schools. This is another falsehood. I prayed in public school throughout my career - - silently. And I know that God heard me (Psalm 139:4) I just could not lead students in prayer.
In the early 1960’s, “official school prayer” was ruled unconstitutional in the United States. I sincerely hope that “teacher-led prayer” in public schools is always banned. I would not presume, nor would anyone be able to guarantee, that the teacher leading the prayer would be praying to THE GOD OF THE BIBLE. And I can tell you that I have NEVER worked in a public school where every teacher was a born–again Christian (including some who claimed to be).
Christian parents should lead their children in prayer - - NOT public school personnel.
As a matter of fact - - Christian parents should be teaching their children that they can pray silently to God anywhere, anytime.
The Christians who want prayer brought back to public schools need to open their eyes and think again. Look at the condition of this nation today. Let’s not deceive ourselves into assuming that our children would be praying to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Hi Patti! Thanks so much for writing in and for the clarification in regards to this subject. I do remember back in High School being allowed to read my Bible and, should I so chose, be part of the Bible club that met on campus. I don't remember being given any grief during S.I.R (Silent Independant Reading) time about the material I read or during my free time. By the way, thanks a million for the link to the PJI paper, that's a wonderful resource to have!
In regards to having a bible in plain sight, though not illegal, I would be certain that there would be challenges to that by either WOKE students saying they're offended by it, or, worse yet a faculty member. Also, I completely agree that our awesome God is omnipresent, as you referenced Psalm 139, specifically verse 8 that says: "If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there." Maybe I shoud have calrified what I meant when I said that God had been kicked out of public schools. What I meant was the His teachings and moral standards are not welcome in this public institution because of the bureaucracy and the war that's been waged against His Word and what He stands for.
You've made some good points in regards to not knowing where the heart of an individual is should they be leading a "prayer" at a school. I'll spare you the long winded answer, but, you really hit the nail on the head that the responsibility to bring their children up in the ways of the Lord is that of the parents—as born again believers that is. At the end of the day, God is the judge of the heart. The Lord knows if our prayers are sincere and from the heart, or, if they're born out of selfish motives to impress others. Either way, I mean no disrespect to the many years you served as a public educator, but I'll say this much, the public school system/education system has been one that's unfortunately been infiltrated by socialism/marxist ideals, disseminators of immoral lifestyles (i.e. LGBTQ+), critical race theory, social justice and anti-God ideologies.
To be quite honest, I don't really care for God or prayer to be brought to schools at this point in time. Where I'd really like it brought back is in the churches of America, that's where God desperately needs to be and sadly enough, most of what we get is man centered theology void of God.
I hope and pray that my response didn't come across as argumentative whatsoever, just as if we'd be discussing this great subject (and good points you brought up) over a cup of coffee. Blessings to you!
Hi Julie! Thanks so much writing in. Such kind words. We're all in this together, right? The wonderful thing is that we are all united by the same Spirit—the Spirit of the living God, the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord for that! Thank you so very much for your prayers, they mean so very much. I tell many that write in just how much the prayers mean, it really does bring a sense of peace that is hard to explain. May the Lord richly bless you in all you do Julie! Blessings.
Thank you for all you do, this past year was a very hard one for me emotionally and your posts have been very helpful to me. Unfortunately I went through a very painful learning process of trusting God to solve my problems instead of me need to prove that I can.
Hi Tracy! Thanks so much writing in and sharing with me. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your candidness. I understand what you've expressed and I am so very grateful to the Lord that He's using a broken vessel to lift other up. I know it's not me, but it is He! He gets all the credit. Way too often, I make the same mistake of thinking I can do it on my own, only to fall flat on my face. Yet, even in my "stubborness", the Lord is always there to help me back up and in His gentle way say "Alright, are you ready to keep going...will you let me?" What a loving Father we have. A love that is so difficult to comprehed but boy and am I ever so grateful for it! He loves you so, so much! May we continue to trust the Lord to help us put one foot in front of the other one at a time...and at His leading. Blessings!
Pablo, thank you for your kind words! I was fortunate to have Christian families in my classes throughout the years, and each one was a blessing!
Thank you for sharing the Trump link. What he said at the end (" ...a concept that was never heard of in all of human history...") is what we read about in Romans 1:30. The NLT phrases it "They invent new ways of sinning...") Years ago the I read this and I wondered what that meant. What kind of sin would be new? Now, it's unfolding before our very eyes. I also think of 2 Timothy 3:13 (...evil men proceeding from bad to worse...) and Isaiah 5:20 (Woe to those who cal evil good and good evil...)
Pablo, you are so right - - it is a sin issue. And unfortunately, many people do not think they are sinners in need of a Savior.
After we retired, we lived in Tennessee for about 5 years. I noticed that a lot of people "played church". It was just something they did on Sunday. If you asked how long they had been saved, they said they were "saved in the womb", or they thought they were saved because their granddaddies were preachers. It was so sad. Then I read the book "The Unsaved Christian" by Dean Inserra and it all made sense. People sit in church week after week, and somehow think that they are right with God. It reminds me of what Jesus said.
Matthew 6:22-23 NASB95 "The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!"
How sad that some people think their darkness is light.
I am so glad that to hear that your best teacher was also a Christian. The good thing about being a Christian teacher in a public school is that I had an opportunity to pray for students. I sometimes thought, "What if no one else is praying for them?" Sometimes their names just pop into my head, and I'll pray for them. I bet Mrs. Thomas did the same.
Mts. Thomas must have been a great teacher, Pablo. Your write very well!
By the way, I love it when you are with Tom Hughes on HisChannel (World News Briefing).
God bless you!
Pablo, thank you SO much for your response! I have followed your podcast and now your substack, and I highly respect your views.
I take no offense to what you say about the state of public schools. I am in total agreement with you. I retired n 2014, and am so glad that I do not have to deal with the "wokeness". (I am pretty sure that I would not have been allowed to stay in a principalship.) I just told my family the other day day that if I were in college today, I would not be pursuing a career in public education.
God bless you and your family, Pablo!
Hi Patti! I am so blessed to have gotten your response. You were so gracious and kind! It's hard to come across this kind of grace these days...and I'm referring to those within the church.
I just came across a video the President Trump put out yesterday I believe about "trans" indoctrination by the school system and title IX. Here's the link if you'd like to see it:
Though it's a big step in the right direction, they're still missing the big picture, and that is that it all boils down to a matter of the heart, more specifically a sin issue. The only One that can truly resolve this issue is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and that won't happen until He returns back to earth and us with Him on our steeds. He'll set things right then. Until then, my hope is that the church will capitalize on every opportunity to share the Gospel.
We've been given a period of reprieve. Not to kick back and relax as the church, but to get up, get out and get busy sharing Jesus.
Thanks again for your great point and comment! May our Lord richly bless you.
P.s. Thank you so, so very much for the years you gave to our country as an educator...a real one that is. The best teacher I ever had was my 6th grade teacher named Mrs. Thomas (Grace Thomas is her name, though she'll always be Mrs. Thomas to me)! I still love Mrs. Thomas. She was a believer. And, we ended up singing in the same church choir many, many years later. I loved seeing Mrs. Thomas all the time. Her husband, Glenn, was heavily involved in the men's ministries of the church at the time. He was a college football coach. Everytime he'd see me in the hallway, he'd give say "Hey big guy, how ya doing?" and then proceed to smack my bottom like a good Football coach would do. I have a special place in my heart for both of them! I'm sure you made such an impact in your students' lives as well.
P.s.s. As an educator, don't judge me on my terrible grammar and horrible use of punctuation.
Hi, Pablo.
I am a retired Californian public school educator. My students were always allowed to read the Bible in class during silent reading time or free time. There is no law against it. In fact, Pacific Justice Institute (Brad Davis) published a wonderful paper with legal citations that support students' religious rights (
In addition, I had a Bible in plain sight on my desk as a teacher and as an elementary assistant principal, and elementary principal.
It is sad to hear Christians say that God was kicked out of public schools. This is not true. God is omnipresent (Psalm 139) and cannot be kicked out of any place. What happened is that people in public schools chosse not to acknowledge God.
On another note - - it has been said that prayer is not allowed in public schools. This is another falsehood. I prayed in public school throughout my career - - silently. And I know that God heard me (Psalm 139:4) I just could not lead students in prayer.
In the early 1960’s, “official school prayer” was ruled unconstitutional in the United States. I sincerely hope that “teacher-led prayer” in public schools is always banned. I would not presume, nor would anyone be able to guarantee, that the teacher leading the prayer would be praying to THE GOD OF THE BIBLE. And I can tell you that I have NEVER worked in a public school where every teacher was a born–again Christian (including some who claimed to be).
Christian parents should lead their children in prayer - - NOT public school personnel.
As a matter of fact - - Christian parents should be teaching their children that they can pray silently to God anywhere, anytime.
The Christians who want prayer brought back to public schools need to open their eyes and think again. Look at the condition of this nation today. Let’s not deceive ourselves into assuming that our children would be praying to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Thank you for your time.
Hi Patti! Thanks so much for writing in and for the clarification in regards to this subject. I do remember back in High School being allowed to read my Bible and, should I so chose, be part of the Bible club that met on campus. I don't remember being given any grief during S.I.R (Silent Independant Reading) time about the material I read or during my free time. By the way, thanks a million for the link to the PJI paper, that's a wonderful resource to have!
In regards to having a bible in plain sight, though not illegal, I would be certain that there would be challenges to that by either WOKE students saying they're offended by it, or, worse yet a faculty member. Also, I completely agree that our awesome God is omnipresent, as you referenced Psalm 139, specifically verse 8 that says: "If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there." Maybe I shoud have calrified what I meant when I said that God had been kicked out of public schools. What I meant was the His teachings and moral standards are not welcome in this public institution because of the bureaucracy and the war that's been waged against His Word and what He stands for.
You've made some good points in regards to not knowing where the heart of an individual is should they be leading a "prayer" at a school. I'll spare you the long winded answer, but, you really hit the nail on the head that the responsibility to bring their children up in the ways of the Lord is that of the parents—as born again believers that is. At the end of the day, God is the judge of the heart. The Lord knows if our prayers are sincere and from the heart, or, if they're born out of selfish motives to impress others. Either way, I mean no disrespect to the many years you served as a public educator, but I'll say this much, the public school system/education system has been one that's unfortunately been infiltrated by socialism/marxist ideals, disseminators of immoral lifestyles (i.e. LGBTQ+), critical race theory, social justice and anti-God ideologies.
To be quite honest, I don't really care for God or prayer to be brought to schools at this point in time. Where I'd really like it brought back is in the churches of America, that's where God desperately needs to be and sadly enough, most of what we get is man centered theology void of God.
I hope and pray that my response didn't come across as argumentative whatsoever, just as if we'd be discussing this great subject (and good points you brought up) over a cup of coffee. Blessings to you!
Again, thanks! You're one of my favorites on the web. Don't get discouraged.
Hi there! Wow, I'm blown away by your amazing compliment and encouragement! What a blessing. Thank you so, so very much. You blessed me!
Thank you!
You bet! Thank you!
We live in difficult times now but I am uplifted when I listen to you talk about difficulties and discouragements. Many, many thanks to you!
Thanks for this, Pablo. You always speak where many of us currently are. We can relate to you so much. God bless you, brother!
Hi Julie! Thanks so much writing in. Such kind words. We're all in this together, right? The wonderful thing is that we are all united by the same Spirit—the Spirit of the living God, the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord for that! Thank you so very much for your prayers, they mean so very much. I tell many that write in just how much the prayers mean, it really does bring a sense of peace that is hard to explain. May the Lord richly bless you in all you do Julie! Blessings.