Growing up I was always told never to back an animal into a corner. Why? Well, I guess unless you want to get mauled by a tiger or some wild beast, then I think the advice is pretty self explanatory. Indulge me though. When an animal is backed into a corner with nowhere else to go or way of escape, they will take the only direction left to go…at you! That’s exactly what’s happened to Israel. Also, if anyone thinks for one minute that I’m calling Israel an animal, you’d be grossly mistaken and unable or completely inept at understanding word pictures. That’s on you!
But that’s what’s happened. They’ve truly been backed into a corner with no further recourse other than to come out swinging. Diplomacy doesn’t work when you’re dealing with terrorists. Especially those that want to annihilate you and/or wipe you off the face of planet earth. It never has and never will.
Unfortunately, in times past, Israel has had the ‘land for peace’ motto, only to have it backfire and come to the realization that it never worked. So, we have what we see today. Israel defending itself and resolute on making sure that October 7th never happens again. Some “experts” believe that this current situation with Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran will morph into World War 3. I personally don’t see that happening.
I believe (and I’m no military or foreign policy expert) that there will be something that winds all of this fighting down. Either an event or some sort of “deal”. I also happen to believe that we are witnessing a stage set-up for the Gog/Magog war. I’m not saying that this is it. I’m simply making the point that this is, in my opinion, the set-up for that up and coming battle.
Please don’t misunderstand me. Israel is NOT going to give up. Bibi Netanyahu will not just sign a “peace” (in other words “reload”) deal and pretend that none of this ever happened—and by ‘none of this’ I’m referring to 10/7. Again, what I am saying is that there will either be an event or stern warning that will put this battle on hold and on the proverbial “shelf” for just a bit. Such as the U.S. warning Iran against attacking Israel (a possible “Obama Red Line” moment). Don’t forget we sent an aircraft carrier, some warships and a fighter squadron over to the Mid-East neighborhood as a “Just In Case” moment.
NOTE (sarcasm alert!): Not that that has anything to do with Monday’s stock market spook/nose dive, no…not at all! That happened because the U.S. put out a ‘poor’ U.S. jobs report. That’s what did it! People out of work scared the stock market so bad. Don’t worry, it had nothing to do with fact that we’re sending all this military might over to the Mid-East as the region braces for a possible major war…Nah! Couldn’t be that. More about that in a bit…
Anyways, back to reality. The players of the Gog/Magog war are on the stage—Russia, Iran and Turkey. However, though Iran is ready to go to blows, Russia isn’t quite there yet. The linch pin that unhinges the wheels from the wagon, or better yet, as the Word of God says, puts hooks in their jaws as we read in Ezekiel 38:4 is yet unknown:
“I will turn you about and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you out, and all your military force, horses and horsemen, all of them magnificently dressed (in full military armor), a great assembly with large shield and shield, all of them wielding (or seizing) swords;” (LSB)
In other words, Russia is still dealing with the situation in Ukraine. They’re busy at the moment. Tied up. Though Iran is desperate to annihilate Israel, they can’t do it without Russia. Why? Simple—because the Word Of God says so. It’s a biblical/prophetic alliance. It ain’t gonna happen unless Russia has a reason to go at it. I can just imagine Iran desperately putting in calls to Russia and getting nowhere, only an answering service that goes something like this: “I’m sorry, Russia is busy now, would you like to leave a message? They’ll get back to you as soon as they can.”
Make no mistake, it’s coming. but ‘we’re going!” Be hopeful in Christ and look only to Him as we read in Hebrews 12:2a that says:
“fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith,” (LSB)
I’m gonna try and keep this one short. Now, again, let me preface what I’m about to say with the following: I’m not a financial expert, don’t claim to be. I’m also not a so called “prophecy expert” (a term I highly dislike and disagree with). But, I can read. So with that said, I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that I don’t believe we will be having a global economic melt down as many so called “experts” are predicting—yet.
Yes, we—America— are in economic dire straits. I’ve quoted Proverbs 22:7 before that says that:
“The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower is servant to the lender.” (NKJV)
I think that in light of governmental out of control spending we’ve been experiencing for upwards of over two decades, I’d say we’re definitely servants. However, despite this spending craze, I don’t believe in a global meltdown or economic collapse as much as I believe there will be an economic ‘re-alignment’. We know that biblically speaking, there will be a one world government with a one world religion as well as a one world economy. This necessitates a realignment of sorts of many economies around the world…present company (USA) included. Realigned to meet the goals of the elite cabal.
The only way to rebuild a system that suits your needs is to tear the old one down so as to pave the way for the rebuilding of the new one. Think of the demolition of an old building as a means to make way for the new, sleeker, more modern version. Same thing. Lest we forget what everybody’s favorite President (one Barack Hussein Obama) said at the onset of his presidency in 2009 that we must “spend our way out of this recession". So, if I’m reading that right, according to ‘Mr. Red Line in the sand’ all we have to do in order to get out of a recession and get people back to work is spend money we don’t have and buy houses we can’t afford. That’s the very definition of insanity!
So, here we are. At an economic precipice—or are we? Do you really think that Monday’s stock market downturn was really caused by a negative U.S. jobs report? If you do, then you're most likely drinking the ‘lefty kool-aid’, the earth is flat and the moon landing was a Hollywood production. I could be wrong, but maybe, just maybe, it was due to the real possibility of a massive regional war breaking out in the Middle East between Israel, Iran and its proxies. I’m sure the market wasn’t spooked by a portion of the American war machine making its way towards the Middle East. Not at all!
I believe (and I could be wrong on this one…remember I’m no financial or prophecy expert) that any intervention (as mentioned earlier)—whether established by man or God—will pause the ‘inevitable war’ for a short while, allowing the markets to get back on track and ‘sort of’ stabilize, therefore avoiding a global economic tsunami and Great Depression as well as paving the way for Russia to get “hooked”.
Don’t get me wrong. We WILL go digital at some point in time. The whole world will. But, I don’t believe it will happen this side of the rapture. What we are witnessing is yet again part of the stage setting. In this case, the set-up for a one world economy. It’s coming, make no mistake. But again, take joy family that we won’t be here when the curtains go up for showtime!
Please forgive me for not keeping it short! I tried and failed miserably.
Well, now we come to the place where toes will be stepped on and friendships will be challenged. There’s an older British punk group I’ll listen to every now and then called The Clash. They had a song called ‘Should I Stay Or Should I Go’. However, the question on many folks’ minds these days, if it were a song by The Clash would be ‘Should I prep or Should I no’.
The short answer to that question is no! Seems to me that much of the prophecy circles are creating much fear and anxiety which makes folks wonder if they should stock pile goods for ‘America’s Armageddon’. Well, I’m here to let you know that’s not the case. We’ve confused preparing for an emergency such as an earthquake or hurricane with prepping long term for some sort of global catastrophe.
If I can be candid, the only thing we need to make sure we are “prepped” for is meeting Jesus either via ‘graduation’ aka death or the rapture. Any other large scale prepping efforts are futile. Also, if you think that buying gold and silver so as to be able to use in case of an economic Hiroshima, well then, let me share the lyrics from a famous hit song by Larry Norman called ‘I wish we’d all been ready ’ to make my point:
“Life was filled with guns and war
And everyone got trampled on the floor
I wish we'd all been ready
Children died, the days grew cold
A piece of bread could buy a bag of gold
I wish we'd all been ready
There's no time to change your mind
The Son has come and you've been left behind”
So, essentially, your gold and silver will mean nothing. Also, if for whatever reason the Lord should tarry and we would be left here long enough to experience such troubling times, trust me when I tell you the moment people find out you have gold stashed at your house—I will guarantee you they’ll come for it…and everything else you’ve been storing up.
Family, my advice is, if you want to leave anything behind as a witness to those that will pillage and plunder your goods, then leave the Word of God behind. As Jesus said in Matthew 24:35:
“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”
Let me leave you with this: Don’t let any YouTube videos on prophecy prognostications and sensational claims get you down. Don’t allow them to instill or breed anxiety and fear in you—that’s the work of the enemy. All it does is keep you distracted from the main thing, and that is that it’s all about Jesus! All these things are just pointing to the nearness of His return for us in the clouds via the rapture!
Prophecy should encourage you, bring hope, and drive us to share the good news of Jesus with as many people as we can.
😁Have A Nice Day!👍🏻
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