Thank you! I’ve gotten so tired of all the prophecy “experts” creating fear and loathing.

This type of thing happened over 40 years ago when the prophecy circles came to the fore then after Hal Lindsey’s Late Great book.

I’m trying to make smart decisions and gather things that will become way too expensive in the future. But it’s not like I have the money to do everything the experts say even if I wanted to.

Thanks for the sensible approach to all of this.

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Hi Doc Fred! I too am trying to make wiser decisions. I get what you're saying. I'm on a very tight, tight budget. He sees the effort of the heart and will never leave us destitute or begging for bread. He is faithful for sure! Thanks for your comment. Totally understand and share in the sentiment. May the Lord bless you!

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I agree! I just wrote an article about that as well and referred to your article. People can only do so much and whatever we can do to help ourselves within our budget is a good thing. My wife and I stock up on non-perishables (and even supplements due to their expiry date of 2+ years), simply because in 6-12 months, they may double in price.

But again, God meets people where they are at. Thanks again!

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My Brother Pablo,

This article touched on what so many of us believe. I think if the truth were told, many of us are just plain tired of the constant barrage of the gloom and doom prognosticators [most well intentioned bible teachers and "prophecy experts"] that tell us the crash is just moments away; we better "prep" [but fail to mention for just how long one must prep], WW3 is about to kick off; "zee bugs" burgers; and on and on we could bemoan. You know what Pablo? I as a laymen [but like you, one who can read and understand the scriptures] am going to go out on a limb and say that although we see all these things [and much, much more] ramping up, we will be spared. I don't believe we will see what is clearly for the tribulation. Frankly, I am growing disgruntled with so much "headline as prophecy talk" that seems to have taken the Remnant Church by storm. To be blunt, I think the church needs to repent of her penchant to talk without ceasing about all things WEF, CBDC's, Vaxx Mandates, getting the right person in office, tampons in boys bathrooms, adult kitty litter boxes etc. etc., and get back to declaring that The Church Age is coming rapidly to a close. How many sermons have we heard that The Church Age is nearly over? Not many. But I will tell you this one thing as an observant laymen: it is in our faces and the Bride is for the most part blind to it. Jesus is Savior and Lord. Repent, believe, and get on the right side of the ledger, so to speak. Noah, Jonah and Lot had one message: Repent! When I share it is with the sole intent of declaring Jesus Christ. I am going to step on toes here as well. I care little for what Claus Schwab is doing or what Noah Yuval Harari is saying or what evil schemes Bill Gates is planning. I pray for their salvation and move on. We have a Great Shepherd who knows how to keep His Own. This very timely and poignant article which you wrote ignited within me this righteous rant. I will stop. Pablo, I am blessed by your work and I love that you are going against the grain so to speak. You are a much needed fresh breath of spiritual air. Keep at it . Love ya man!


Shomon Joseph

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My brother Shomon! So, so good to hear from you...always!!! Your insight and words were a confirmation to me to continue speaking what the Holy Spirit lays on my heart. Please don't apologize, you didn't rant at all, just expressed in simple yet powerful words the unfortunate situation the church and prophecy circles find themselves in. I echo all of your sentiments my brother. I truly do want to thank you for your word because as I expressed earlier, they are confirmation to me that I must continue (as you eloquently put it) to go against the grain. Your prayers and kind words serve as a such a big encouragement brother. Please don't stop writing your words as the Lord leads. May the Lord continue to bless you and show you amazing insights in His Word!

Maranatha, Pablo.

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Great read. I know things are crazy these days, but focusing on Jesus and reading his word, bring peace to our hearts. It's easy to get caught up in the moment but remember when Christ said, I will be with you every day until the end of time....

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Hi Pete! You hit the nail on the head. Focusing on Jesus and His Words brings true peace to our hearts...excellent point! Thanks for the encouragement via your comment. Blessings!!!

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Oh my!!! That was so refreshing! Thank you so much, Pablo! Blessings always!

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Hi Kathy...so, so blessed to know that the Lord blessed you and refreshed you in the Spirit. What a blessing and encouragement to know that...thanks so, so much for sharing!

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That was truly a blessing! Thank you Pablo and Ron! God bless you both!

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Hi Missy! So blessed to know you were blessed. Rohn is a blessing to me as well. I learn much from his encouragement from the Word and his dedication and commitment to the Lord and His Word is sooooo contagious. So glad you were blessed by what he had to say. He'll be a regular on the podcast. Blessings!!!

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