
The 'Holy Roller' Mafia

"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." —1 Timothy 6:10

Sergey Lavrov, Russia's longest-serving foreign minister, was recently interviewed by Tucker Carlson. It should go without saying: He knows what he's talking about. He's probably been in foreign policy longer than I've been alive. When he says we're technically at war, he's right. His term for it is 'hybrid war'. And, as you watch the short clip I play in the podcast, you’ll know why. It's technically a war that's officially unofficial. Our totally compromised and propagandized media is not reporting this whatsoever, but the fact remains that we are technically at war. Putin knows it's a terrible idea to go to war with the US. He doesn't want to. Not because he can't do it, but because the fallout (no pun intended) would be catastrophic for both sides. Yet, this current war-mongering administration is hell-bent on starting an official war before they leave office. Pray that the Lord will have mercy and intervene to prevent this from happening.

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In much the same way that most Americans and Westerners are unaware that we are in a war in the physical world, most Christians in the Body of Christ are completely unaware and removed from the fact that we are in a spiritual war that is intensifying with each passing hour. Unfortunately, we are losing the war. Why is this? Well, because the church, the body of Christ, has not only lost its way, it also seems to me that it has lost its mind.

We've been playing church for too many decades now, and we're reaping the results of our pursuit of money, numbers, power, possessions, ego, and man-centeredness. Although many churches still have Bible preaching and structured worship services, alot of them have become a facade. It's a man-centered gospel that is veiled behind a thin veneer of Christianity and church-ism. What a shame!

There still remains a handfull of good, solid, Bible teaching, Spirit filled pulpits in America, but, that number is rapidly dwindeling and altogether vanishing.

Add to this the mess, no, better yet, the debacle that these so-called "Christian" churches have created through decades of peddling their toxic greed via fundraisers, telethons, seeker-friendly, prosperity-filled, health and wealth gospel, all while preying on people's needs and emotions. They abuse and mock the Holy Spirit by claiming they have the power to heal, speak in tongues, have dreams and visions only if you plant your "seed of faith" with a one-time gift of "fill in the blank $$$". This, of course, is how you will be able to claim your anointing, your healing and your power for prosperity. What a load of unbiblical and heretical hogwash!

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Family, don't buy into it. We are at war with a formidable enemy who has infiltrated the Church and is using biblical language, twisting and perverting it to appeal to the flesh and lead you away from true biblical Christianity. Don't be deceived!

I have much to say about this in the latest Serpents & Doves® podcast. I'll just leave it at that so as not to spoil it. I hope and pray that the Body of Christ will wake up and get busy doing what Jesus has commanded us to do. See Matthew 28:19-20.

P.s. This problem isn't just limited to televangelists. It's happening in your local churches, too.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus! Maranatha.

😁Have A Nice Day!👍🏻


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