Brother, I agree with you! It aches me to see all of these so called Christian television programs evangelicals make a mockery of our Lord. As they say follow the money. Their luxurious lifestyle. It is a complete disgrace! Thanks for bringing this truth forward.

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Hi Maria! I agree that it is definitely a disgrace. The one thing I keep reminding myself is that the Lord shall not be mocked, and, if they don't change their ways, there's a day of reckoning coming. Thanks so much for writing in! Blessings.

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Pablo I truly appreciate you addressing this. The prophesy/dispensational community has been strangely silent about the daystar scandal. I have been truly disappointed in them. I guess it has a lot to do with the Prophecy Watchers and Christ in Prophecy guys having shows on daystar. They need to pull their programming immediately, and if they don’t Tom Hughes and others need to stop platforming them. To the best of my knowledge Jack Hibbs hasn’t addressed the scandal either, and he has a show on there as well. Very shameful. Keep up the good work brother!

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You are 100% correct in observing the absolute silence from the dispensational camp. And, you are also correct in stating the very fact that it's most likely due to the fact that they either have shows running on Daystar or are/have been frequent guests on the network. I'm sure they'd hate to lose the "exposure" and following they gained/gain from being on this network. Sad to see that the there seems to be more interest in appearances and popularity rather than doing the right thing and canceling the shows (saving their money) and getting out of dodge. But no, it's about serving man and their own personal interests rather than taking a bold stand for Christ.

But then again, that's just my opinion. God knows, that's what I take comfort in. Blessings to you!

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Just remember when they come down on you, and they will, that you are speaking the truth. I can’t speak for everyone else on here, but I’m sure they would agree that it is always comforting to hear from you on these issues because we feel so alone in our respective camps, and feel like we might be crazy because no one else seems to think the way we do. You’re an absolute blessing brother! Keep running the race!

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I agree with you 💯. I have commented on here numerous times in response to Pablo’s uploads. Because I’m early in my walk with Christ, when my reaction is one of horror at some of these hypocrites Pablo speaks of and those I regularly follow don’t raise the issue, I often question whether I’m missing something. Very similar to the voting matter in November. If we love the Lord, then we’ve come to know Him, how He would feel about the way things are now. Do these people seriously think their hearts are hidden from Him? Have to say though, who are in the audience listening to all their twaddle? 😂

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So glad you have the will to speak Truth! And you speak it in humbleness and with wisdom.

Thank you Pablo for being the man of God you are and touching on the topics we need these days. Prophecy is good, but teaching of scripture is needed as well as teaching of discernment to weed out the false and scriptural wrong ministries. We fail sometimes more than not,,to compare ALL things to the Word of God, which is our foundation and guide!

Thanks again for your ministry! God has you where you need to be and doing what you need to be doing for Him! Shout it from the roof tops!


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Hey there Lori! Thank you so very much for your words of encouragement...seriously, what a blessing! You are very right in saying, much like Solomon in Ecclesiastes that there's a time and place for everything. We must have balance as we approach the Word of God. The more I read it, the more I realize I have so much more to learn. It's a vast and endless treasure trove for the believer.

I appreciate the words you spoke in regards to where God has me. My wife tells me that often. I would appreciate your continued prayers for the Lord's guidance and provision as I continue on the journey the Lord has me on. We'll see where the Lord takes it. May the Lord richly bless you!

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That's Why We Are Sinking

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Mic drop!

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Pablo I love your glasses 😃 I believe it, they are being weeded out.. thank God. It’s sad, because I love watching a few of the pastors on there once in a while. TBN has been that same way for yrs. I pray they repent and do right by God, showing the World Jesus Christ in the programming.

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Hi Roxanne! Thanks for the compliment on the glasses. If I don't use them, then I'm Mr. Squints A Lot. Yeah, there are good Pastors that have gone on Daystar and other networks, but, I feel that there comes a time to take a stand even if that means the revenue and exposure suffer. God's faithful!

Great point! Blessings to you from our Lord! Thanks again for writing in.

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Thanks for putting this together, Pablo. I was unaware of the issues at Daystar until watching this. It's not a network I've watched in recent memory. It's quite eye-opening to see the personal fortunes and empires some of these people have acquired. Hopefully, just as we're seeing the corporate media lose viewers to podcasters like Joe Rogan, we'll soon see Daystar, TBN, and other big networks lose viewers to Christian podcasters like you.

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In churches, it’s starts at the top, the shepherds. I don’t even recognize my own church since 2020. It’s now all about their YouTube channel that they didn’t even have prior to 2020 as well as the music. The music has went from traditional hymns to this loud music shows with Bethel and Hillsong etc songs. I’ve even seen how my fellow brothers and sisters show their true colors which is so saddening. It’s just a little country church trying to compete with other local mega churches. I don’t know why I seem to be in the minority that sees this huge change that’s all about GIVE GIVE GIVE. Giving is mentioned in every sermon, email, fb post. “Three ways to GIVE”. I can’t even attend my church anymore. The sermon seems to take backseat to the Worship (signing) that’s mainly about the “band and music leader”. They don’t even really care if the congregation participates in the singing. I honestly can’t even reason the point of what the sermons are even about afterwards. Like I said, it’s just sad. But somehow the church is growing but I don’t understand how with what I’m seeing. It’s confusing to me.

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That was a wonderful, heartfelt presentation of a very sad, yet very current problem in our churches. I like to keep to myself and listen to Bible teaching churches.

There are really, really excellent teachers out there.

Les Feldck

Shorewood Bible Church

Thank you for speaking truth.

God bless you and your loved ones.

I'm praying for you.

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People who buy these mansions with money they scammed from the congregation are stealing from God , how do you think He feels I know He's angry and disgusted and sorrowful ! That money for tithing is supposed to be used for things the church needs so they're able keep providing a place for the wisdom of God ! These weird churches i see today are disgusting and self absorbed and are just wrong !!

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People who leave your program were never true Christians to begin with ! We need your discussions because you're doing exactly what Jesus tells us , to bring to light the things that are not correct within the world and the church so that they can be straightened out and put back on the right path ! We can't rely on milked down sermons we need really good hell fired and brimstone actions ! I personally love all of your discussions you get the truthful things out into the light where it should be, please don't feel you're being to hard on the actions of the churches ! You got it absolutely right !!!

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Oh my! have to add if you want more information to learn more to make you get healthier or to get truthful information you have to pay another monthly subscription on top for the service we already pay!

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And then there’s the child trafficking! The corruption within the church and how they use “God” to manipulate the children and adults! Please God hear our prayers to be better! To help protect the innocent ✝️🙏🏻

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I agree! these evangelicals are out of control! They never give to the poor either.

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I feel we need to keep our eyes open and on Jesus Christ teachings. God will guide us but we have to repent and know the Eucharist is very important. My thoughts ✝️

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