Wow, talk about a powerful quote! (See quote above license plate). That’ll get you thinking. In my video, I mention the 3 kinds of people that attend church:
The True Believer
The Non-Believer
The Make-Believer
For those within the American church that are under the impression that America is still a “Christian” nation, I hate to break it to you, but you’re dreaming! America is now a post-Christian nation. And it shows. The Lord has given us over to anti-God/anti-Christ leaders. Universities—as well as many schools—have become cesspools of communist and immoral indoctrination. Though I’ve stated this before, I think it worthwhile to revisit and remind us of Joseph De Maistre’s quote when he said that:
“'Every country has the government it deserves.”
I can go on to write about all of America’s woes, but I won’t. I can also rant about the American church dropping the proverbial ball and therefore ushering in this era of Godlessness…but I won’t—because I’ve already done so. I’m sure each and every one of us are keenly aware of how dire the condition is here in America. But, in all the darkness and bad news, there’s hope!
Hope not in a man or in a political candidate. But in the movement of the Holy Spirit through the life of the true believer. Look with me at Matthew 5:13-15:
13 “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.
14 “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.”
Jesus tells us that we ARE the salt of the earth. We ARE the light of the world. I didn’t say it—Jesus did. Please, don’t miss what Jesus said happens to salt, should it lose its flavor…it is no longer good for anything. Salt without its ‘saltiness’ isn’t salt. It can no longer be used as a preserving or enhancing ‘agent’.
In like manner, light is of no value if it is covered up or hidden (put away). If you turn a flashlight on in a dark room, then take a basket and cover the light, the darkness takes over. The word picture Jesus is using is pretty obvious. In the absence of light, darkness reigns. It’s a very simple fact. And, when it comes to us as believers shining our light, well, we’re either on or off. Light or dark. The Christian life doesn’t operate on quantum computing principles. There is no such thing as “Spiritual Super Position”. No family, the believer is more like classical computing in the sense that our spiritual lives exist only in one state—on. You can’t have one foot in the world and the other in the “church”. There’s no halves with the Lord.
One cannot be a true believer without exhibiting fruit that is characteristic of the faith we claim to possess. A true Christian cannot be light to the world, all the while engaging and partaking of the unfruitful deeds of darkness. It doesn’t work that way. Look at what Jesus said in Matthew 12:30:
“He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.” (NKJV)
Friend, the last category you want to be part of is the “make-believer”. I believe that’s the worse one because you’re fooling yourself into eternal damnation, but in the end, there’s no fooling God.

Remember that just because a believer makes it all the way to the “top” doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ll give God the glory when the opportunity arises. I remember watching an interview with famed actor Matthew McConaughey when he said that there were:
“moments where I was onstage receiving an award in front of my peers in Hollywood and there were people in the crowd that I have prayed with before dinners many times. And, when I thanked God, I saw some of those people go to clap, but then noticed that, “Whoa, this would be a bad thing on my resume” and then sit back on their hands.”
I can’t say for sure if the folks Mr. McConaughey is referring to are believers, though it sounds like it, but the fact remains that one has more to “lose” at the top for proclaiming Jesus than at the “bottom”. But here’s the encouraging part. Though the 2024 Paris Olympics were filled with LGBTQ+ ideological indoctrination, the light of Christ was not absent thanks to some bold witnesses for Christ—elite athletes that shined their lights in one of the most darkest places, not caring what the pushback or consequences might be.
The most notable is Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone, who after smashing her own 400m hurdles record and winning gold, said the following:
“I credit all that I do to God. He’s given me a gift, he’s given me a drive to just want to continue to improve upon myself, and I have a platform, and I want to use it to glorify him,”
She went on to say:
“And so whenever I step on the track, it’s always the prayer of, ‘God let me be the vessel in which you’re glorified, whatever the result is,’”
Talk about being a bold witness for Christ! This should encourage us to do the same in our sphere of influence. Sure, we might not have all the media attention and notoriety, but remember that the Lord uses His vessels as He so chooses. Our responsibility is to be faithful stewards of the hope that lies within each true believer. We must not shy away from what Jesus himself commanded us to do in Matthew 28:19-20:
19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.”
No matter where you are, share Jesus! Remember that in God’s economy, there’s no such thing as Spiritual “superposition”. Let us do what Jesus tells us to do in Matthew 5:16 when He said:
16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Shine family, now more than ever!
I know I’ve said this before and I’ll not tire in doing so, but we MUST remember that we are living on borrowed time. That means we’re “OUTATIME”!
So, in the meantime, be salt, be light and be a bold witness for Jesus. Bring a living Jesus to a dying world! Jesus is coming back for us any moment. My encouragement for each and everyone of us would be to be found occupying for Him! Don’t put it off.
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😁Have A Nice Day!👍🏻
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LINKS: Living Waters Video About Olympics:
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