Aug 21Liked by Pablo Frascini

Blessings again Pablo…you are always so blunt and truthful about the wrongs and sickness in this world! There is no where in this world , any city, town or business,,you can go and not feel out of place these days! Not sure how others feel but I feel so out of place in this world in recent years as never before. I am 69 years old and have never felt so alienated from society. My fellowship with like minded believers in person is very very limited. Most contact is through online chats where I follow people like you. My church where we used to attend is dead and most there are seat warmers, including the Pastor who shows up for Sunday service. So sad!

I thank you for sharing your thoughts on the things happening! We can only pray many will open their eyes, tell their family and friends of the lateness of the hour!

Love and blessings to you and your family! May the Lord continue to encourage you, protect you and give you much to share with your audience as we await His return!


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Hi Lori! Always good to read your comments. Your kind words are such an encouragement, thank you so much! It's a sad fact that the church's influence is certainly diminishing and its light is becoming dimmer and dimmer with each passing day. To see how the church began in the book of Acts—strong, so influential, full of the Spirit, and to see how low and far it's fallen is a sure sign that the church age is coming to an end. That means that our Lord is coming back for us soon.

I agree with you in that our hope is that many would come to Christ in the time we have, whatever that may be. May the Lord continue to lift you up during your times with Him spent in His Word and other believers (even if online)...and, may He open doors for you to meet even if just a few like minded believers to fellowship with and encourage one another.

Blessings to you!

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Imane Khalif is Islamic. She cried “Allah Akbar!” upon receiving her first metal, which demonstrates radical Islam and is my greatest concern. Particularly how she views women. Medical doctors have confirmed that it is possible to have XY chromosomes and have female anatomy. All her family and everyone that knew her growing up have confirmed she has female anatomy. Christian leaders continuing to claim she is male, to me, demonstrates where our hearts are at. It is very simple. In the beginning God made them male and female. Please note that it does not say that God made them with XX and XY chromosomes. Thank you.

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