
I had the opportunity last week to be a guest on Pete Garcia’s podcast titled Elections Have Consequences. I felt we had a great conversation about voting and that of the Christian’s response to it. During said podcast, I brought up an article from Harbingers Daily by Breanna Claussen titled Jack Hibbs: Am I Telling Christians It’s A Sin Not To Vote? That’s Exactly What I’m Telling You. I made reference to the last part of the article during the podcast where Pastor Jack says the following:

“Voting is a Christian responsibility,” Hibbs urged. “It’s an opportunity to do good. The Bible says, ‘To him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin’ (James 4:17). Am I saying that if you don’t vote, it’s a sin? That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

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I disagreed with Pastor Jack’s statement and stance in regards to voting and why I felt the verse he used was not applicable. Well, by the look of most of the comments, you would have thought I called Jack a heretic who was headed to hell for saying that. That was certainly not the case. He’s a great pastor, who has stood firm on the Word of God and his convictions. He also stood firm during the Covid tyranny against churches here in California. He teaches the Word of God chapter by chapter and verse by verse.

I realized that more often than not, many in the body of Christ have elevated many pastors and teachers to the point wherein a challenge by another “lesser” believer is taken as insulting and/or demeaning to said pastor or teacher. Why is that?

In this podcast, Rohn and I talk about this very serious issue. The fact that we cannot seem to be able to disagree with others in the body (pastors or not), to me, is yet another sign that we as the church are ultra divided and fractured. And, most of the issues of division are petty and in the end meaningless.

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A disagreement doesn’t equate to an insult or damnation. It’s just that, a disagreement on a non-salvific issue. It’s a sad day when we as the body of Christ cannot come to a point wherein we can ‘agree to disagree agreeably’. That’s where we are at.

However, despite the “push back” I got, I will continue to voice my agreement with other pastors/teachers as well as my disagreement in love.

Hope you enjoy this unscripted conversation my brother Rohn and I had.

😁Have A Nice Day!👍🏻


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