Thank you Pablo for stating the truth. Voting is not a salvific issue but too many pastors have turned it into one. I myself have unfollowed many pastors who keep preaching a different gospel. The gospel of politics. They have caused great division and suffering among the remnant. 🙏🏻💯

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Totally agree with you on this, and I have also been chewed by his fan base and even gotten chewed out by another Calvary pastor for approaching him directly.

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I am so grateful to you for saying this, Pablo. The same things have been said by Tom Hughes and James Kaddis, on one video both said you cannot be a Christian if you don’t vote for Trump, saying you are siding with Satan. I also heard Jack Hibbs. My position remains that if one has prayerfully considered the issue and in good conscience must abstain that it his right. I am very disappointed to say the least in these pastors. I agree. The church is fractured.

It tells me we are ever close to going home.

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Agree. I was pondering the same thing.

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Wow, Pablo! Nice site with all the bells & whistles. Very impressive.

Also, thank you for addressing this much needed topic. It seems that humanity in general have become so thin skinned & it has transferred over to "the church". No independent thinking or autonomy allowed these days. I'm saddened to experience this. God bless & keep you!

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