I had the opportunity last week to be a guest on Pete Garcia’s podcast titled Elections Have Consequences. I felt we had a great conversation about voting and that of the Christian’s response to it. During said podcast, I brought up an article from Harbingers Daily by Breanna Claussen titled
Totally agree with you on this, and I have also been chewed by his fan base and even gotten chewed out by another Calvary pastor for approaching him directly.
I too disagree with Jack Hibbs stance. He is my pastor and I will continue to attend and give to this church. My personal relationship with Jesus will dictate how I land on who to vote for or whether to vote at all. I am 65 and have the same breadth of knowledge of this world system and the Word of God as Jack does. The same Holy Spirit who leads Jack is in me too. Sick n tired of these pastors and Christian pundits blaming evangelical Christians for their preferred parties loss basing it on some arbitrary stats someone supposedly polled people by. (In my 40 plus years of voting - no one has every asked me my religious affiliation or whether I vote or not)
Wow, Pablo! Nice site with all the bells & whistles. Very impressive.
Also, thank you for addressing this much needed topic. It seems that humanity in general has become so thin skinned & it has transferred over to "the church". No independent thinking or autonomy allowed these days. I'm saddened to experience this. God bless & keep you!
Thanks so much for the kind words! I'm a firm believer that God gave each of us brains and, for the believer, the Holy Spirit. Sadly, though, most don't use it, and many in the church expect to be spoon-fed from the pulpit, and that's not the case. Hope that made sense. Thanks again for writing in and for the kind words.
I am so grateful to you for saying this, Pablo. The same things have been said by Tom Hughes and James Kaddis, on one video both said you cannot be a Christian if you don’t vote for Trump, saying you are siding with Satan. I also heard Jack Hibbs. My position remains that if one has prayerfully considered the issue and in good conscience must abstain that it his right. I am very disappointed to say the least in these pastors. I agree. The church is fractured.
I already replied to this, so please forgive my slight retracking of saying I agree with everything you said. When I got through posting it i started getting confused, as the other commentors were referring to something Jack Hibbs said. Would you please take a moment and specify as to what exactly he said that sparked this video about disagreeing with yout pastor? Ive listened to it over again and even looked up Jack's most recent videos; is it because he was pointing to Kamala's nightmarish policies on abortion, immigration, being a hypocrite and 'pimping' God's Word to get the black vote? And what he said about if you vote for someone because of their sex or skin color you're a racist and a sexist? I'm curious because aren't we supposed to call out evil? I hope you will clarify this for me. And thank you in advance ☺️
Hi Linzy,first off, this podcast I did wasn’t in response to any one specific video or statements of his, I saw a video he just about Kamala Harris at a church and I agree with him. My disagreement with Pastor Jack comes from his statement saying that he believes it’s a sin not to vote. I linked to the article here in the post. You’re more than welcome to read it especially the last paragraph of the entire article quoting Pastor Jack. It’s not a salvation issue. But we should be able to disagree with the Pastor without getting so much backlash from the body of Christ. My podcast covered more ground than just that, it wasn’t geared specifically for that. Hope that clarifies. Blessings!
Thank you so much Pablo. And yes your reply has straighten me out. I knew i was missing something. And i didnt really want to bother you, but i am so grateful to hear back tonight because i don't think i would have been able to sleep with that question looming in my mind. ☺️
Hi Pablo. I’m in the UK, so not our election to vote, but I have heard many US pastors online with the same message as Jack Hibbs. I only began studying the Bible in 2021, so I am not as well versed as others with regard to scripture. I have learned so much from and am so grateful for all the updates and Bible teachings from all the pastors you’ve mentioned. But, for some reason, I have felt really uneasy when I’ve heard this. I am well aware of the evil intentions of Kamala, but I also have a bad feeling about Trump. Many may disagree with me, but I can’t help this feeling I get, a horrible sinking feeling. It’s not just his abortion policies, It’s as if whoever wins, the outcome is the same as they are both working for the same people and it’s all a show.
When I heard some of my favourite pastors say to vote Trump, I felt like I was going mad and maybe I just can’t trust politicians, or could it be the Holy Spirit is telling me?? So, I don’t think you were wrong to point this out. I think everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Hi there! Well, this is a perfect example of why believers (pastors as well) shouldn't be condemning other believers because they do not vote. I'll say this again: I believe that is something that each believer needs to take up with the Lord. I remember back in the days when it was considered rude to ask someone who they voted for. It was considered very personal.
In regards to Trump, he's not a deliverer or a political savior. He's just a man. And, if God decides to put him in office, it's because it's all part of God's perfect prophetic plan for the ages. That's the way I see it. Hope this made sense. Blessings to you and thanks so much for the comment!
Hi Katy! It's a sad state in which the body of Christ, the church, finds itself. It'd be great if I saw this same kind of zeal I hear pastors express when talking about voting, expressed when addressing gross sin within the church. Not so sure we'll see that though.
Totally agree with you on this, and I have also been chewed by his fan base and even gotten chewed out by another Calvary pastor for approaching him directly.
That's so dumb that we can't express opposition to a pastor's statement without such backlash. Unfortunately, they've been put up on pedestals.
Truth. Like “celebrities”. ::::smh::::
I really liked Rohn Palmer. Thank you.
I love my brother Rohn! He's rock solid.
I too disagree with Jack Hibbs stance. He is my pastor and I will continue to attend and give to this church. My personal relationship with Jesus will dictate how I land on who to vote for or whether to vote at all. I am 65 and have the same breadth of knowledge of this world system and the Word of God as Jack does. The same Holy Spirit who leads Jack is in me too. Sick n tired of these pastors and Christian pundits blaming evangelical Christians for their preferred parties loss basing it on some arbitrary stats someone supposedly polled people by. (In my 40 plus years of voting - no one has every asked me my religious affiliation or whether I vote or not)
Wow, Pablo! Nice site with all the bells & whistles. Very impressive.
Also, thank you for addressing this much needed topic. It seems that humanity in general has become so thin skinned & it has transferred over to "the church". No independent thinking or autonomy allowed these days. I'm saddened to experience this. God bless & keep you!
Thanks so much for the kind words! I'm a firm believer that God gave each of us brains and, for the believer, the Holy Spirit. Sadly, though, most don't use it, and many in the church expect to be spoon-fed from the pulpit, and that's not the case. Hope that made sense. Thanks again for writing in and for the kind words.
I am so grateful to you for saying this, Pablo. The same things have been said by Tom Hughes and James Kaddis, on one video both said you cannot be a Christian if you don’t vote for Trump, saying you are siding with Satan. I also heard Jack Hibbs. My position remains that if one has prayerfully considered the issue and in good conscience must abstain that it his right. I am very disappointed to say the least in these pastors. I agree. The church is fractured.
It tells me we are ever close to going home.
Agree. I was pondering the same thing.
I already replied to this, so please forgive my slight retracking of saying I agree with everything you said. When I got through posting it i started getting confused, as the other commentors were referring to something Jack Hibbs said. Would you please take a moment and specify as to what exactly he said that sparked this video about disagreeing with yout pastor? Ive listened to it over again and even looked up Jack's most recent videos; is it because he was pointing to Kamala's nightmarish policies on abortion, immigration, being a hypocrite and 'pimping' God's Word to get the black vote? And what he said about if you vote for someone because of their sex or skin color you're a racist and a sexist? I'm curious because aren't we supposed to call out evil? I hope you will clarify this for me. And thank you in advance ☺️
Hi Linzy,first off, this podcast I did wasn’t in response to any one specific video or statements of his, I saw a video he just about Kamala Harris at a church and I agree with him. My disagreement with Pastor Jack comes from his statement saying that he believes it’s a sin not to vote. I linked to the article here in the post. You’re more than welcome to read it especially the last paragraph of the entire article quoting Pastor Jack. It’s not a salvation issue. But we should be able to disagree with the Pastor without getting so much backlash from the body of Christ. My podcast covered more ground than just that, it wasn’t geared specifically for that. Hope that clarifies. Blessings!
Thank you so much Pablo. And yes your reply has straighten me out. I knew i was missing something. And i didnt really want to bother you, but i am so grateful to hear back tonight because i don't think i would have been able to sleep with that question looming in my mind. ☺️
It's all good! Thanks so much for writing in!
Thanks so much for posting this video Pablo. I know everything you guys said is right on Dude!
Hi Pablo. I’m in the UK, so not our election to vote, but I have heard many US pastors online with the same message as Jack Hibbs. I only began studying the Bible in 2021, so I am not as well versed as others with regard to scripture. I have learned so much from and am so grateful for all the updates and Bible teachings from all the pastors you’ve mentioned. But, for some reason, I have felt really uneasy when I’ve heard this. I am well aware of the evil intentions of Kamala, but I also have a bad feeling about Trump. Many may disagree with me, but I can’t help this feeling I get, a horrible sinking feeling. It’s not just his abortion policies, It’s as if whoever wins, the outcome is the same as they are both working for the same people and it’s all a show.
When I heard some of my favourite pastors say to vote Trump, I felt like I was going mad and maybe I just can’t trust politicians, or could it be the Holy Spirit is telling me?? So, I don’t think you were wrong to point this out. I think everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Hi there! Well, this is a perfect example of why believers (pastors as well) shouldn't be condemning other believers because they do not vote. I'll say this again: I believe that is something that each believer needs to take up with the Lord. I remember back in the days when it was considered rude to ask someone who they voted for. It was considered very personal.
In regards to Trump, he's not a deliverer or a political savior. He's just a man. And, if God decides to put him in office, it's because it's all part of God's perfect prophetic plan for the ages. That's the way I see it. Hope this made sense. Blessings to you and thanks so much for the comment!
Hi Katy! It's a sad state in which the body of Christ, the church, finds itself. It'd be great if I saw this same kind of zeal I hear pastors express when talking about voting, expressed when addressing gross sin within the church. Not so sure we'll see that though.