
Is America Unleashing The Power Of Russia...The Bear? What Should We Do?

...But fools despise wisdom and instruction." —Proverbs 1:7b

The famed actor and comedian of the early to mid 1900’s Groucho Marx was quoted as saying:

“He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot, but don’t let that fool you. He is an idiot.”

I’m not sure if he might have been referring to a specific individual, but the quote still rings true today. Especially now more than ever. Also, Ann Coulter, who is a conservative media pundit, an author, a syndicated columnist as well as a lawyer is quoted as saying the following:

“Usually the nonsense liberals spout is kind of cute, but in wartime their instinctive idiocy is life-threatening.”

You can say that again! But before I dive into the ‘meat and potatoes’ of this post, I believe it would be in our best interest to define what an idiot is. In so doing, I hope to dispel the notion some may have in believing I’m just name calling without a purpose. So, let’s take a look. An idiot is defined as:

  1. A person who is considered foolish or stupid.1

I speak for myself when I say that I’ve been and have acted very foolishly many times throughout my life; however, when I survey the landscape of pure idiocy I see happening all around us, I’m blown away at the true nature of foolishness and stupidity coming from none other than our own government. The absolute idiocy I see coming from this administration, on multiple fronts is absolutely mind numbing!

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I’m sure there are many that might be reading this post that love nature, hiking, rock climbing, camping and the great outdoors, right? I’m also convinced that most, if not all of my readers and viewers, have the mental acumen, the keenness and judgment never to approach a bear in the wilderness. Not only would you not approach a bear in the wilderness, but, you wouldn’t even consider trying to pet one—let alone taunt one. Why? Because you’d end up minced meat real quickly. That’s just common sense…well, at least some of us it is.

But, it would seem as if for the Biden Administration, NATO and many European “leaders”, this is not the case. They, somehow must be immune to self-provoked “bear” attacks, because that’s exactly what they have been doing and continue to do.

© Scott E. Read / Shutterstock.com

The Biden Administration, along with its “egotistical” European counterparts, seem to think that they can somehow manage to “wrestle” and overpower a massive bear while remaining unscathed and unaffected. The sad fact is that they’re taking us all along with them on their maniacal escapade.

At one point we (America) were capable of getting into a fight we knew we could win. Unfortunately, we’ve become weak and feeble. Unable to care for ourselves, let alone the rest of the world. If it came down to it, who do you think would win in a fist fight, Biden or Putin. My money’s on Putin…I think you get the point.

Of course, the “bear” I’m talking about is none other than Russia and it’s “tamer” Vladimir Putin. My brother-in-Christ Rohn made a great point in a conversation we had today. He said that Putin isn’t wanting to bring Russia back to the days of the USSR. No. Putin’s aspirations are bigger than that! His are aspirations of grandeur. Vladimir Putin seeks to restore Russia to her “glory” days of the Czar’s. But, that’s an article for another post. Suffice it to say that Putin is not just gonna sit there while the West continues to taunt, ridicule and hassle his motherland.



So, where does that put ‘us’? That is, the average, everyday hardworking American. Let me see if I can put it this way. Picture us in the back seat of a worn down car (USA), while the driver (Biden, et.al) is not only drunk, but also blind-folded and driving down the wrong side of the freeway. All the while, getting directives in a foreign language (Chinese) on how to “dodge” the barrage of oncoming traffic via walkie-talkie in one hand and an ice-cream cone in the other. Beyond terrifying, right?

Think about it. Ever since NATO “planted” itself in Putin’s backyard, aka: UKRAINE, we’ve been doing nothing more than spraying him with “weed killer” in hopes that he’d just wither away. But, that’s not the case. It’s beyond ludicrous to think that if America just continues to supply the now de-facto, expired president turned dictator Zelenski via Ukraine with billions of dollars (we don’t have), weapons & ammo (which are at critically low levels) and military supplies (we can’t afford to let go of), that Putin will somehow do the Christian thing and “turn the other cheek”.

Unfortunately, that’s exactly the case!

Yet, you would imagine that there must be someone at the highest levels of government with some semblance of common sense that would herald the clarion call to cease this madness. But there’s not! What’s happening? Joseph de Maistre, who was a French-speaking Savoyard lawyer, diplomat and philosopher once said that:

“Every nation has the government it deserves.”

Isn’t that the truth! Essentially, what Joseph de Maistre is saying is that a countries’ government is often times a reflection of its peoples’ values, morals and choices (or lack thereof). We, in America, are being led down the path of war by a body of corrupt “elected” officials who are willing to decimate—and sell out—their own people in an effort to cover up their own filth and corruption in the Ukraine.

Putin’s patience will run out! Idiocy can only last for so long. It will not prevail. At some point, this will all come to a head. I remember when I was in High School, there was a senior named Jason (not his real name, duh!) that thought he was the “big man” on campus. We’ve all encountered people like this.

Jason picked on whoever he thought he could push around. He became more and more arrogant with each passing day. But, one day, Jason picked on the wrong kid. I will never forget that day when Jason got his rear end handed to him by a kid 2 years younger than him. Needless to say that Jason never picked on anyone again.

Moral of the story? Idiocy and arrogance only get you so far. And when you least expect it, someone unexpected gives you the whooping of your life as a “gentle” reminder that you’re not so big after all. Think Biden Vs. Putin. Biden Vs. Xi.

We are no longer the reigning global super power we once were. We don’t have the leadership, will or national resilience to go toe to toe with either one of these countries for the time being. But, those in power here at home in America somehow believe we can and are actively vying for us to go to war. God forbid!

Family this is delusional!


Those are probably two of the most amazing words found in all of scripture! When I see the worsening idiocy that plagues our country at the highest levels of government, entertainment, education and yes, even the church, I am reminded that the One in control of everything is none other than our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Those two words introduce part of God’s character and nature…His compassion, mercy and grace! Deuteronomy 31:6 reminds us of this very thing when it says:

Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” (NKJV)

And just two verse down, we are reminded of His faithfulness yet again so as not to forget it:

“And the LORD, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” (NKJV)

And the prophet Isaiah says in 46:10:

“Declaring the end from the beginning,
And from ancient times things that are not yet done,
Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand,
And I will do all My pleasure,’” (NKJV)

God is on the throne! Amen? Well then, if we believe that, we should rest assured knowing that He IS in control of all things. None of what is happening around the world is catching Him by surprise. He knows what’s gonna happen between the USA and Russia. Between the USA and China.

It’s easy to get discouraged. To lose hope. To get downtrodden, fearful and anxious. I know, it happens to me. But, God always reminds us that we MUST look at things through the lens of scripture—His love letter to us!

When we’re tempted to get bogged down by the cares of this world, let me remind you that God’s ways are different than ours, but rest assured they are infinitely better than ours. This is what God says in Isaiah 55:8-9:

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.” (NKJV)

I truly believe that our Lord is coming back for us any moment and the question each and everyone of us should be asking ourselves isn’t whether we are prepared for a Russian attack (though a bit of prepping never hurt anyone), but rather are you rapture ready? Are you eternally prepped? Everyone will meet God at one point or another…either rapture (for the believer) or graduation from this life via death. Everyone is guaranteed eternal life. The question is, what will your final address be—Heaven or Hell?

With so much uncertainty in our world today, you can know one thing for certain, and that is that God loves you and He sent His only Son to die on the cross for you and me so that we wouldn’t have to spend eternity in a place called hell (John 3:16). Don’t put off the most important decision of your life—that is to make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior. Call on Him today!

If you’d like to know Jesus, click HERE.

The world is not falling apart. The world is falling into place…just as God said it would.

😁👍🏻Have a nice day!

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Alaska Bible College

Alaska Village Missions


“Idiot, N. (1).” American Heritage Dictionary, https://ahdictionary.com/word/search.html?q=idiot&submit.x=29&submit.y=16. Accessed 4 June 2024