The Serpents & Doves® Journal
The Serpents & Doves® Podcast
Having Balance
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Having Balance

Proper balance gives way to stability, especially in our Christian living. It's a matter of having a balanced diet (the Word of God) and exercise (putting it into practice).


Charles Blondin performing amazing stunts on a tight rope.

If there’s any stunt or acrobatic feat that comes to mind when thinking of balance it’s that of funambulism, and, Charles Blondin is the name which is synonymous with tightrope walking (funambulism). A man who dared cross the 1,100 foot chasm between the United States and Canada called Niagra falls. He accomplished this in 1859. Now, Blonding was known as a true stuntman and showman all wrapped up in one. He had the ability to mesmerize crowds with his amazing skill as a tightrope walker. He was known to do it blindfolded, using a wheelbarrow and would occasionally stop in the middle of his routine to cook an omelette and eat it. Talk about skill, talent, confidence, no fear and of course an amazing sense of balance.

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But, what was it that aided him (and all other tightrope walkers) in achieving perfect balance as a means to cross any tightrope with such precision? The balance pole! The balance pole is a fundamental tool in tightrope walking. The purpose is to aide the funambulist with increasing his or her rotational inertia on the rope (or cable). Essentially, it gives them more time to make the small corrections needed in order to avoid falling. It also greatly helps them lower their center of gravity closer to the rope or cable.

Another largely overlooked technique when watching a funambulist perform is what they are focused on the entire time while performing their stunt. If we were to be placed on a tightrope, the majority of us would most likely be instinctively looking down at our hands, or our feet or even focusing on the balance beam itself. However, that’s not the case with proper tightrope walking technique. The focus of the funambulist is always on the finish platform. Their gaze is locked on where they are headed towards. They look up to focus on the “end goal”.

Much in the same way, we must have balance not only in life, but, more importantly in our everyday study of the Word of God…especially in light of end-times Bible prophecy. What do I mean? Let me explain just a bit.



©Hugh Talman - Jefferson Bible made up of cut outs from various Bibles

I love the study of end-times Bible prophecy. I’ve always had an affinity for it ever since I was a kid. I knew, from the time I was a wee lad, that the Lord was going to come back for us in the rapture according to scripture, before all hell breaks loose on earth. I remember hearing sermons on the book of Revelation as a 7 & 8 year old and being fascinated by what I was listening to. It was never something that scared me.

The love for biblical eschatology only grew as I got older. But if I’m gonna be honest with you all, I allowed my love for end-times to become the sole focus of my studies in the Word. It was all I wanted to listen to. All I looked for were sermons and radio shows that talked about end-times and the rapture of the church. That is what my spiritual “diet” consisted of. And, if anyone knows anything about proper nutrition, it’s impossible to live a life of only eating fruits (fruitarian), even though they are good for you. Or, a diet of only carbohydrates, even though they too serve a purpose in proper nutrition (contrary to popular belief that all carbs are bad).

Just like it’s imperative that we maintain a proper balanced diet for our physical bodies, the same applies to our spiritual bodies. The Bible is replete with spiritual “nutrients” to nourish our souls in this journey we are on called life. But, I’m afraid that’s not the case with most. Remember what Jesus told Satan in the wilderness in Matthew 4:4:

But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ”

Jesus is reminding each and everyone of us that just as we cannot live on bread alone (unbalanced), but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Did you catch that? Jesus didn’t say some words, or just certain words, but by EVERY word that comes from God’s mouth. We must employ a steady and balanced diet of His Word—not just part of it.



We’ve entered an era of hyper-information. Whether that’s through the “news”, podcasts, shows, books and even social media. For those that are “lovers” of all things end-times Bible prophecy, this can (and I believe has) become a source of improper spiritual balance. Many in the prophecy circles these days have come to crave and “live” off of an unhealthy and steady diet of one news article after another that continually feeds and steadies their end-times nerves and fatigue. If they’re not getting their end-times “fix”, many can’t seem to make it through the day. Unfortunately, due to this lopsided and steady diet of article after article, we the church have become most ineffective in our everyday purpose as believers—to go out and make disciples of all men!

We must remember that each of us have been given talents and gifts. These are to be employed in our daily lives so as to be effective witnesses for Christ. But, if we lack proper balance and focus in our daily study of His Word, which is the nourishment for each believer, we will not be able to make it from one platform to the other. It’s that simple. Too many are spending way too much time, effort and energy focusing on their “feet”, “hands”, “rope” or even the “balance pole” instead of focusing on the end goal…the believer’s end platform—to bring honor and glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The only way we can do that properly is to have a well rounded biblical diet. By doing so, we will have nourished our spiritual bodies in such a way that they will be firing on all “spiritual” cylinders. We will become the most effective witnesses for Christ we could possibly be, and trust me, we need as many of those as we can.



Let me close with this. When we were kids, most of us were taught about the “food pyramid” as a means of supposedly instilling proper nutrition, healthy food choices and a balanced diet in the minds of the younger generation. It was meant to be a guide to nutritious eating. Essentially it was an attempt to help bring balance to an ever increasing unhealthy American diet of TV Dinners and sugar laden breakfasts cereals touted as part of a “complete breakfast”. In like manner, our Lord and Savior gave us the entire counsel of the Word of God, not just a specific portion. Paul gave a sort of reminder of this to the elders in Ephesus as he was exhorting them in Acts 20:27 when Paul said:

For I have not shunned (or avoided) to declare to you the whole counsel of God.

Family, I will be the first to encourage the study of end-times Bible prophecy. However, I would also encourage each and everyone of you to not make it your only source of biblical study, but, as Paul exhorted the elders at Ephesus, to study the whole counsel of the Word of God. David said in Psalm 119:16 that:

I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.

The idea behind the use of ‘your word’ is in totality…the entire thing—all of it. So family, if you find yourself in constant need of articles as to satisfy your end-times “fix”, I would encourage you to look to none other than the whole Word of God as a means to find balance and focus in these last days. By doing so, you will be able to successfully maneuver the ‘tightrope’ called life and make it successfully to the ‘finish platform’, much in the same manner as Paul wrote to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:7-8:

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.”

To all my spiritual ‘funambulists’…stay balanced in the Word and focused on the ‘finish platform’.

😁Have A Nice Day!👍🏻

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