I believe this message is of vital importance to God's family. We tend to focus on current events that are important , but miss the commission to tell the world about Jesus love and what he did for them. In these times we need to reach out to the unsaved. The time is short. We also need to study His word as we prepare to meet our great God.

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Hi Becky! I agree with you wholeheartedly. Time is very short. My hope is that we would continue to look to Him in all things and study the whole Word of God. Tell people about Jesus! Blessings to you.

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Thank you Pablo and Brian! Blessings to you both. We indeed need a balanced diet when it comes to Bible teaching. I am so happy to have the privilege to have different Pastors and teachers who we listen to who give us just the right balance of scripture. Many are getting too side tracked with the Rapture and its timing, and other prophetic issues, while neglecting the spreading of the gospel.

Thanks for bringing this to the forefront. May we all learn, listen and be blessed from teachings such as this, which should awaken us and bring our compass back to centre.

Blessings from Newfoundland 🇨🇦🙏🏻♥️

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Hi Lori...always good to see your comments. You're always so kind with your words of encouragement. You are truly blessed with the pastors and teachers you have that give you the right balance in their messages and teachings. Yes, you're right that many are getting too side tracked with a steady diet of rapture. I will be the first to tell anyone that the Lord IS coming back for His Bride ANY moment. We must be ready for the rapture. We must be ready for graduation via death. We must be about our Fathers' business. We cannot afford to "bury" our talents. It's now or never! Onward and upward! Blessings.

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When someone I know makes a statement that includes their own admission in it, I know I'm reading a very real message. This hits close to home because I can identify with you and others who are realizing this is happening. The big picture isn't always apparent! I think I have been doing this, it sounds very familiar. Thanks for pointing this out, Pablo. Indeed, we need to stay up on this, but not to the point that it crowds everything else out. Right now, enough is verified on the six o'clock news!

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Hi Carla! You hit the nail on the head when you said that "the big picture isn't always apparent". We know, according to scripture and what we see that the Lord is coming back for us any moment. So, essentially the times are "screaming" for us to get busy doing the work He's called each of us to do because we're living on borrowed time. We cannot afford to spend every waking moment searching for the next Bible teacher or Pastor teaching about the rapture and end-times. There's a wealth of wisdom and knowledge we are missing out on when we limit the Bible to just end-times. Thank you so much for writing in and for your words of encouragement!

There's many admissions I can make...and in time, I will continue to do so. Why? Because the Lord is continually teaching me and shaping me through my failures and I want to share with you all that I'm not perfect...none of us are, but, we serve a perfect God who loves us and is merciful and compassionate and always willing to forgive and teach. May the Lord bless you!

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