
"Fun" Facts For Ya on Matthew 24 - PT1

"You have to take Bible prophecy literally, just like everything else in the Bible." —Dr. Tim LaHaye

I do promise to be brief in this “article” in that I want the video content to speak for itself. I’d like to “warn” you all that Rohn and I will be stepping on many toes. So, I hope you’re wearing your “spiritual steel toe boots” while you watch the two (or maybe three) part series on Matthew 24.

For decades—if not longer–many pastors, prophecy teachers and so called “experts” (which by the way, there’s no such thing) have been teaching through Matthew 24 using the same basic interpretation that the teachers or pastors before them did. Unfortunately, what’s happened is that we’ve gotten the definition of this very important prophetic passage muddied and unclear. It’s become an area of confusion and misinterpretation. Remember that Bible prophecy was never intended to be a source of confusion.

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Please don’t get me wrong, there are many good meaning pastors and teachers that believe they are interpreting this passage properly, and for the most part they do. However, there are segments within Matthew 24 that get conflated with other eschatological topics that shouldn’t be.

It is not Rohn’s or my intention to tear any one pastor/teacher down. What we are simply doing is pointing out the deficiencies in the interpretation of certain key passages found in this amazing prophetic chapter given to us by none other than Jesus Christ Himself. Let me go ahead and remind each reader the ‘Golden Rule’ of Biblical interpretation (paraphrased):

Dr. David L. Cooper, founder of the Biblical Research Society, puts it like this:

“When the plain sense of scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense; therefore, take every word at its primary, ordinary, usual, literal meaning unless the facts of the immediate context, studied in the light of related passages and axiomatic and fundamental truths indicate clearly otherwise.”


Basically, if the plain sense of the Biblical text makes perfect sense, seek no other sense, or else you run the risk of coming up with non-sense. I’m sure you’ve heard pastors and teachers encourage each of us to use context when studying the scriptures—and I strongly agree with that! Nevertheless, though we’ve been taught this very basic yet indispensable principle, it is ignored at times, especially when it comes to the passage of the Olivet Discourse.

I want to make sure yet again, that each reader understands that we (Rohn and I) aren’t here to sow any division, rather, bring clarity to what we perceive has become—as mentioned earlier—a passage of confusion and inaccurate eschatological teaching. Rohn and I have prayed much and sought the Lord for wisdom as we approach scriptural understanding. And, we would encourage each and everyone of you to do the same thing. God is so good! Psalm 145:9 says:

“The Lord is good to all, And His tender mercies are over all His works.” (NKJV)

I quoted Dr. David Hocking in the podcast as saying that we “can get educated beyond our intelligence.” I couldn’t agree with him more. This coming from a man with three doctoral degrees—yes, you read that right, three! Yet he understood the importance of reading the Word of God for what it is, His Word, and allowing His Word to interpret itself. Trust me, scripture is quite capable of interpreting itself.

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We are in no way saying that we cannot or should not use study tools. These can often lend a hand in shedding light into a specific portion of scripture. But we MUST exercise caution when doing so. Reason being is that we’ve come to a point where we almost elevate a commentary or a book above that of the scriptures. The church has now come to rely on outside Biblical sources as THE source to interpret scripture. Let me pose a question to each of us:

If that be the case, then what’s the point of having the Spirit of the living God dwelling within the life of each believer?

Don’t you think that the ‘restrainer’ is also able to give insight into HIS OWN words found all throughout scripture? Absolutely!

Let me end with this challenge and encouragement. I challenge each of us to seek the Holy Spirit first and foremost when reading His Word. Ask the Lord to open up the scriptures to you and reveal the meaning of the passage you’re studying. The answer might come instantly. It might take some time as you continue in your study. It might also come at a time you’re least expecting. His Word is tried and true. Psalm 18:20b says:

“The word of the Lord is proven…” (NKJV)

If you’re looking for a fantastic tool to compliment and enrich your time studying His Word, I would encourage you to get a hold of the following book called ‘The Treasury Of Scripture Knowledge’. You can either purchase the book (recommended) or use it as an online tool by going here:

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge ONLINE

This will be part 1 of the either 2 or 3 part series on the Olivet Discourse. Note: Rohn and I also discuss what we believe is a more logical interpretation of the seal judgments as well as the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. Please understand that we are in no way intending to offend anyone. We are simply trying to bring clarity to an area of scripture that has been “muddied” by many good and honest teachers in paste years and decades.

Our hope is that you would be blessed, encouraged and challenged as you walk through this amazing chapter in Biblical eschatology with us.

With much love, sincerity and honesty,

Rohn & Pablo

😁Have A Nice Day!👍🏻

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