Excellent. I especially love your witnessing story at the end. Each one, win one.

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Thanks Gary! Yeah, when the Lord calls on us to share His Son...no way out! Love what you said: "Each one, win one." Might borrow that some time!

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I’m gonna go with each one, reach one. I remember things better when they rhyme. Lol

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Aug 25Liked by Pablo Frascini

Thank you both so much. So sad that almost everyone I’ve tried to speak to about Jesus shuts me down with the ‘I don’t want to hear about religion!” Next time, I shall say, “Me neither. I want to talk about Jesus.” That’s if they haven’t walked away already 🙏

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Seems to be the direction of the heart of man. "But God" right?!? He's the one that can touch lives. Keep sharing Jesus...like Gary said below "Each one, win one." Blessings!!!

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Same. It’s so sad people don’t even want to talk about it. The way they seem to be repelled is odd to me. I started to invite a neighbor to a function at church and she saw the flyer in my hand and backed away like I was coming toward her with poison and before I got a full sentence out she said “I’m not interested in that” as she backed away into her apt. I was a little taken aback by her reaction. I found out later that she grew up with at least some version of Christianity in her home and I wondered what pushed her so far from it.

Her reaction is an increasingly common one it seems.

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It’s possible that your neighbour had a bad experience at some point. It could also be that ‘religion’ is now associated with conflict and division, so people are actually afraid to even speak about their faith 😟 It’s probably the same in the US, but here in the UK, it seems since the lockdowns of 2020 people hardly speak about anything at all. It really is a strange thing, or maybe that was also the intended effect.

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My guess is that it was the intended effect. I used to speak to strangers in stores more often before covid. I made it appoint when I saw the fear during the masked phase, I got mixed reactions, mostly avoidance, and now I noticed some people will converse with you, others pretend they didn’t notice you were talking to them and move on.

It’s still strange. I won’t stop being friendly though. I always thought it odd that people can walk around near each other in public places and just act like no one else is there, not even a hello or smile. It doesn’t seem human.

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