
Warning! They're Not What They Appear To Be

“If aliens ever visit, we hope they come in peace and with a good joke.” —Unknown

Let me see if I can address that quote. First off, “aliens” will visit planet earth. I happen to believe it will be after the rapture. They will seemingly come in peace and I guarantee you that they will not have a joke, let alone a good one. I’m sure there are some of you scratching your heads wondering if I’ve gone off the deep end and have relegated myself to wearing a tin foil hat 24/7. Well, that couldn’t be farther from the truth!

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The thing is that while the political climate, particularly the election of Donald Trump, has overshadowed many topics, UAP-related incidents continue to unfold, including congressional hearings and the unsettling sightings of UAP “drones” near military bases and nuclear facilities.

We should though be considering what the broader implications of these occurrences are and who are these seemingly “innocent” aliens that many believe are just trying to make contact with us mere humans. The fact of the matter is that most don’t really give this topic a second thought due to the many decades of crazy ideas and yes, conspiracies. This unfortunate deluge of tabloid style “information” through the years has put quite the stigma on the subject of UFO’s / UAP’s and aliens, almost to the point of taboo levels.

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As believers though, we must not ignore what is happening within the realm of what we would call ‘out of this world’. I believe that as we ebb closer to the time of the end, these sightings will grow in frequency. There is a veil between the physical world and the spiritual and I believe it grows thinner with each passing day. Don’t be deceived into thinking that these “entities” are coming to help. Quite the opposite.

My hope is that this talk with Eric will make you want to draw closer to Him and to get into His word each and every day. I hope you enjoy our conversation.

😁Have A Nice Day!👍🏻


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