
THROWBACK: A Sit Down Interview With Marty Goetz

Benjamin Franklin said "Lost time is never found again." But God can redeem time for each of us in a way we never would have imagined. Satan is the author of regret. But God the author of forget!

They say time flies, though I’m not so sure who “they” are. I’d venture to say that time races at light speed. It seems just like yesterday that I got started doing podcasts. I was encouraged many years ago to begin speaking, yet for foolish and immature reasons, I put it off far too long. Yet one day, I heard a sermon series on the book of Revelation by Pastor John Courson. In it, he said something along these lines: We don’t want to get to heaven and see all the things we could have done for the Lord had we trusted Him, yet we were either too afraid or indifferent to do so.

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That was when I decided to get to it and I asked the Lord in His great mercy to help make up and redeem the time that I had so foolishly squandered. In comes the podcast. At first I started with written interviews and then moved to audio only and then to video. It’s been an adventure and wild ride to say the least. I’ve learned a lot along the way. Much of what the Lord has shown me is my constant, deep seated need for Him—always! But God in His amazing love, grace and mercy, has allowed me to sit down with some of the most talented and God fearing believers.

Their stories and testimonies are such fantastic examples of how our amazing Lord and Savior is pursuing us. Prayerfully, we will realize that we have sinned against a holy and righteous God, and, deserve nothing but death and hell. But because of God's great love for us, we can have salvation through His Son Jesus Christ! How amazing is that?

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Marty Goetz is one of those individuals I had the privilege to “sit” down with and listen to him re-tell his amazing testimony. Though this was recorded almost 4 years ago, the message is just as relevant as it is today. Jesus reached Marty. Marty trusted in His Yeshua as Lord and Savior and has been singing about it ever since. He has a beautiful voice and plays the piano flawlessly. God called and he answered. The rest is history.

May you be blessed as you listen to Marty’s story and his heart for Jesus! I would love to know what you all think in the comment section below.

P.s. If you watch till the end, you’ll hear the Aaronic Blessing sung by Marty in a way that will bless you beyond measure.

😁Happy Watching!


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If you feel led to donate to help offset the costs of production, that’d be great. However, if you cannot, I’ll still send them your way.

😁Have A Nice Day!👍🏻

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Marty’s Links: