
The Pastorate Is A Calling, Not A Job

Unfortunately, the calling of a pastor has turned into a lucrative business for many. It's become a source of wealth, fame and status. But that was never meant to be the case.

Let me open up with Paul’s words to the elders at Ephesus. He says the following in Acts 20:28:

“Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.”

The word elder in greek is ‘episkopos’. This of course, is where we get the word ‘Episcopal’. I know, that’s pretty “scholarly” stuff right? I’m not gonna get into the different church denominations in this quick write up, but, this word was used as a means to denote oversight or the guarding of a body of believers—spiritually, emotionally and relationally. The responsibility of the elder or ‘episkopos’ was to teach, preach, care, love, tend and minister to the believers of said area (the flock). If we really want to get technical with it, the “position” held by the pastor of a church is head elder. This is a big role to fill. It’s a calling!

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We can see the qualifications and/or standards that Paul laid out for an ‘overseer’ or ‘elder’ to meet in 1 Timothy 3:1-13. It’s a hefty list! One that—when taken seriously—is lacking from many that are ‘pastors’ in the pulpits of America these days.

I don’t want to take away from our conversation between Pastor Jason David and myself, but suffice it to say that the ‘Pastorate’ has become, in many instances and in many churches, a position to be looked at as a stepping stone for wealth, power, popularity, position and fame. It’s akin to taking political office, wherein the politician gets elected to office as a ‘common man’ and comes out a very popular, wealthy and positioned individual.

Now, I’m not gonna batch every pastor into this category. That would be unfair of me and not accurate at all. However, once again, many pulpits in America have become “corporate positions”—cushy jobs!


My dad was once told by a family member (who is not a believer) that he should start his own church and thus get rich. Unfortunately, that is the prevalent mentality of the world when it comes to their view of a church pastor. They see it as a ‘get rich quick’ scheme.

Our pulpits have become ‘Executive Positions’. Services have turned into ‘rock concerts and shows’. And Churches have become “Corporate Powerhouses”.

The good news is that though satan is trying his hardest to destroy the church, and succeeding in large measure, there are still hundreds of true Pastors that are fulfilling their call. This is the case with Pastor Jason David! He’s the real deal. Or as they’d say the real McCoy!

I hope you’ll be blessed by our conversation today.

😁Have a Nice Day!👍🏻

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