I read an anonymous quote recently that went like this:
“Preparedness is like a muscle – the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes.”
I am convinced that the point Jesus was driving home while talking to His disciples during the Olivet Discourse was that of preparedness. Though the quote above has truth to it, it fails to convey the ONLY way to truly be prepared, no matter what comes our way—and that is by accepting the free gift of Salvation offered by Jesus! Jesus was instructing them on what was to come upon the whole world, and how—those going through Daniel’s 70th week—should be properly prepared.
Though our Savior was giving them the ‘inside scoop’ on events that were going to transpire well beyond their years, the principle He was also conveying to each of them—and to each of us—is that of being prepared at all times. There’s a temptation to take specific passages, that clearly point to Jesus’ second advent, and try to fit them into the doctrine of the rapture. We need to try and avoid these pitfalls when it comes to biblical eschatology.
Typology is a word we often hear associated with much of scripture between the Old Testament and the New. It essentially means symbolism. And when we’re talking about Biblical prophecy, we would call it ‘prophetic typology’. Reason being is that Old Testament types often point to or ‘foreshadow’ that which will take place as a fulfillment at a later time.
For example, in the Old Testament, we see the tabernacle, the sacrificial system, as well as the Passover as types or symbols of Christ’s future redemption for us through the cross. There’s the the typology of Noah going through the flood (Old Testament) and Israel going through Daniel’s 70th week (New Testament) yet being supernaturally protected by God Himself.
In the case of Matthew 24, we see symbolic parallels throughout Jesus’ discourse to His disciples. We must remember God’s character in all of this. He IS faithful and knows how to deliver the Godly out of trials and tribulations. Just as the gates of hell will never prevail against the church, so too will God’s chosen people never cease to exist or be wiped off the face of the earth.
All throughout the Old Testament we see a relationship between God (the Husband) and His “spouse” Israel. Of course, this is spiritual in nature. God has a very specific plan for His “spouse” Israel and it will culminate at the end of Daniel’s 70th week. So too, Jesus has a “bride”—the church. Just as with God and Israel, a plan exists between Jesus and His betrothed that will culminate in what we call the Rapture of the church. This began back in the book of Acts and will have its final fulfillment at the end of what we call ‘church history’ or ‘the age of grace’.
There are however ‘principled parallels’ (a basic idea of how something applies or works in another similar fashion) in both “unions”. Yet each of them share one common theme: preparedness.
Even though Matthew 24 is all about Christ’s second advent and the horrors of Daniel’s 70th week, we can be sure that the same principles (please don’t miss that word) apply to us in this present day and age. There’s an admonition and/or advice for us, the church.
Jesus opens up His Olivet Discourse with the words “take heed that no one deceives you…” Though we know that Jesus is referencing the Jews going through Daniel’s 70th week, we—the believers on this side of the rapture—also know that we are to be watchful for deception of all kinds, especially religious deception.
Another can be found in Matthew 24:36 that says:
“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.” (NKJV)
This verse has nothing to do with the rapture or its timing. Again, Jesus is referencing those in Daniel’s 70th week and how no one will know when He is coming back. However, we can draw a ‘principled parallels’ in that those of us alive right now, who are blood bought believers in Christ and part of His bride, also know not when Jesus will come back in the rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:17).
Also, the parable of the ten virgins in Chapter 25, though meant as a word picture to illustrate preparedness for His second coming, has it’s ‘principled parallel’ in that we too must be prepared at all times for Christ’s arrival in the air via the rapture.
The picture of the fig tree used by Jesus in Matthew 24:32-35 is also a ‘principled parallel’ we can draw from. Those experiencing the horrors of Daniel’s 70th week will know that the Lord’s second advent is upon them by seeing all of the events described by Jesus taking place then. Likewise, the Church should know that when we see the shadows of the events described in Matthew 24 cast upon us today, it can only mean that Jesus is ready to come for His Bride.
The overarching theme in Matthew 24 and 25 is to be ready! Be prepared. And, like I mentioned in the beginning, the only way to truly be prepared for what lies ahead and eternity is to put your trust and faith in Jesus Christ. He IS the ONLY way to heaven. Though Jesus was addressing Jewish men during the Olivet Discourse and the church had not yet been born, the parallel principles that Jesus laid out apply to us just as much.
My admonition and/or encouragement for each of us is not to get caught up in the foolish arguments that ensue because of non-salvific theological disagreements. As Paul said in 2 Timothy 2:23:
“But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.”
Above all, get out and share the Gospel. In doing so, you will aide and ensure proper preparation for those that are currently ill-prepped for what lies ahead.
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😁Have A Nice Day!👍🏻
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