

Sensationalism sells and that's a fact. Unfortunately, we've arrived at a day and age where sensationalism is being peddled to those in the church and I hate to say it, but they're hooked!


In an effort so as not to repeat myself, the following article below is taken from the write up I did on April 6th in regards to the same subject. This came on the heels of the then much anticipated and total flop of the Solar Eclipse. I’m sure you remember, the one that finally marked an ‘X’ on our nation of impending doom, gloom and judgment. That came and went. Just like all of the other hyped up events.

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Not much, if any, has changed in four months in regards to this topic. I’ve purposefully “unplugged” from the “Prophecy Matrix” a while back. I know that may sound harsh, but, end-times bible prophecy has become a “selling” point within the church. It’s become a subject where way too many take theological liberties that they shouldn’t—a game of numbers, views, subs and click bait titles. It seems as if the impetus behind much Bible prophecy these days is all about chasing the numbers instead of man’s hearts.

The Last Trump. Artwork by Pablo Frascini

And the result is that we’re missing the point of it all…go therefore!


Please don’t get me wrong, I love Bible prophecy—especially end-times bible prophecy! I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Lord is coming back for His bride in the rapture at any moment. Therefore, we MUST be found occupying (key word) doing the work of an evangelist…aka: sharing the good news, the Gospel message! End times Bible prophecy is a subject I will not shy away from, and I’ll continue to talk about it, especially in light of the day and age we live in.


When I say that I’ve “unplugged” from the “Prophecy Matrix”, I’m in no way implying that I no longer believe in Bible prophecy or end-times Bible prophecy. On the contrary, I am more eager now than ever before and expectant to hear that last trumpet sound and not only witness my Lord in all His glory, but also meet Him in the air! What a glorious day that will be—soon!

I’m not saying that we shouldn't look forward to and anticipate the rapture. I would encourage every believer to do so. It will keep you accountable to living a life sold out for Christ. But, don’t make that the ONLY thing you study, the ONLY thing you watch and listen to.

Make sure you have a balanced diet in your daily walk with the Lord!


Okay, without further a do, this is what I wrote back in April of this year in a post titled Epidemic Of Prophetic Sensationalism:

Let’s get right to it, the Word of God says in Deuteronomy 18:21-22 the following:

“But you may wonder, ‘How will we know whether or not a prophecy is from the Lord?’ If the prophet speaks in the Lord’s name but his prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that the Lord did not give that message. That prophet has spoken without my authority and need not be feared.”

Let me go one step further. In essence, the Lord is saying that we should not pay attention to them. Pay attention to whom? To those who make predictions, make forecasts, set soft dates, set "high watch times," or even go so far as to sensationalize something that shouldn't be sensationalized into something sensational! How's that for a dizzying sentence? But seriously, the Lord said: All it takes for a so-called "prophet" to become a false prophet is one bad prediction or prophecy. That's all it takes. It MUST be 100% accurate for it to be from God.

But what we have in the church today, and especially (recently) in Bible prophecy circles, are pastors, teachers, YouTubers, writers, and so on, who claim prophetic significance to events that have ZERO prophetic significance or meaning. They write articles that are nothing more than a hodgepodge of jargon to tickle people's ears and tantalize their spiritual senses. They take much of God's Word out of context. They try to explain their "word smoothie" with complicated and confusing charts just to prove a point. We are to avoid this kind of behavior at ALL costs. Do not fall into the trap of prophetic sensationalism. It is gripping the church and taking it by storm.

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Tuesday, April 9th will come and these "charlatans", these "prophets" of judgment, rapture and the 70th week of Daniel will just reposition themselves, go back to the drawing board and start looking at the next "date" when all hell will break loose on earth or what they call "high watch time" in Bible prophecy. Listen folks: Don't fall for it. Stay vigilant. Stay on the alert as we are told to do in 1 Peter 5:8:

“Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” (NLT)

And yes, the enemy even works in the form of veiled false prophecies, giving people false hope over and over again, only to fill the people with more and more anxiety, fear, and disillusionment as these dates come and go.

Listen: The only ONE we should put our hope in is none other than Jesus Christ Himself! Period! Look to Him. Get into His Word and trust me when I tell you: You will not be disappointed. Our nation is already under judgment. We don't need an eclipse to tell us that. Because we are living on borrowed time, what we need is for God's mercy to intervene and for us to go out and share Jesus. May the Lord bless you abundantly. May he watch over you and keep you!

—NOTE: How about that? April 9th came and went. Sad part of all of this is that way too many christians will continue to listen to ridiculous “predictions”, all the while giving acceptance and refusing to look at failed “prophetic” track records.

😁Have A Nice Day!👍🏻

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