They say that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree—and boy ain’t that a fact, especially with the sons of syndicated editorial cartoonist Gary Varvel. Both Brett and Drew love the Lord! It certainly evident in the movies they produce, direct and act in. But, most importantly, the love for their Savior is evident in their passion and pursuit to share the life saving Gospel of Jesus Christ while using their God given talents! We need more of that.
Creativity is a family affair and legacy. Gary, their father, is a syndicated editorial cartoonist who's been using his talents as a means to sow the seeds of the Gospel wherever the opportunity has presented itself. He’s passed that creativity “gene” and zeal for the Lord onto all three of his kids. To say that Brett and Drew are working in a very dark industry would be a gross understatement—yet God has placed them there for such a time as this—and I’m beyond grateful to know that we have the likes of the Varvel’s shining their light for Christ in the entertainment and art industry.
First off, I wouldn’t have had this opportunity had it not been for the Lord opening that door through Gary. So, God gets all the credit and glory for this sit down. Also, a huge thank you to Gary for his willingness to reach out to his boys on my behalf and take a chance on “small potatoes” like myself. Thanks Gary!
I’m sure that Gary and his wife’s heart are overjoyed to see how all three of their children have followed Jesus and decided to dedicate their lives by serving Him in such amazing capacities. There’s much to be said about the faithful servant! We can read about it in Luke 12:42-44, 48b:
“And the Lord said, “Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his master will make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of food in due season?Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes. Truly, I say to you that he will make him ruler over all that he has…For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.”
It was refreshing to sit down with these “boys” (I can call them boys because I am almost 10 years older than Brett and 14 years older than Drew) and hear their heart for the Lord, especially in light of their new film.
I want to encourage each and everyone of you to go watch the movie. It’s very telling of the times we live in. I believe it’s a foreshadow of things to come—soon! I was privileged and honored to screen ‘Disciples In The Moonlight’ recently, and let me tell you that you’ll be in for the ride of your life. The question that I was left asking myself at the end of the film was “Would I be willing to do that should the need arise?”
As I sat through the movie, I kept wondering what kind of emotions were the disciples of Jesus experiencing during their persecutions. What about Tyndale and Wycliff? And without going much farther—our brothers and sisters in persecuted countries like North Korea, Iran and China? Persecution is a present day reality, but we here in America have been shielded from it and we’ve enjoyed a freedom from it that most in the world have not.
A sad fact is that the large percentage of the American church has squandered the freedom’s God has allotted each and everyone of us. The Lord didn’t grant us these freedoms so we can just throw our hands up in the air and foolishly exclaim as the rich ‘fool’ did as seen illustrated by Jesus in Luke 12:19:
And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry.”
If we read the verse following the ‘fools’ statement, we can see how telling God’s response is and what He thinks of this kind of “stinking thinking”. Verse 19 goes on to say:
’But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?’”
God called him a fool! Why? Because he chose to put his trust in earthly treasures and comforts. The fool forgot Who it was that gave him the ability to work and plant and succeed, not as a means to boast and become apathetic via his affluence, Christ certainly made that crystal clear in verse 15:
“Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.”
Yet we here in America have come to rely and trust more in the ‘things’ we have, rather than the giver of these gifts. It’s not bad to have ‘things’, the problem arises when the ‘things’ posses us. And so we come to where we are today…lazy, full of apathy, indifferent, careless, self-centered, unloving and especially ignorant as to things of Christ. Many in the American church want a steady diet of love, love, love. They want their ears tickled as we read in 2 Timothy 4:3-4:
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.”
Though love is one of God’s main attributes, so too, just as equally as important, is His attribute of being a just God. Imagine if there was no need for us to change because God loves us just the way we are, then what was the point of Jesus’ sacrifice on that cross?
I heard that there are 3 types of people that go church: the believer, the non-believer and the make-believer. Too many occupying much of the spaces in today’s American church pews not only aren’t believers, but they much less don’t read the Bible or have much interest in it. Thus forfeiting the amazing power of the ‘sword of the Spirit’ to laziness or indifference! Oh how the “mighty” have fallen! I’m not trying to pick on any one person. However, we must come to grips with the fact that we have some very serious problems plaguing the church today, and as a result, we (the church) have failed to be an influence for God and good in society.

When we read articles such as ‘Ohio megachurch pastor kicks Bible off stage during Super Bowl Sunday service’ we know that judgment isn’t far behind. It’s an indication of where men’s hearts are. And I can guarantee you that they’re not in the right place.
Unfortunately, as a result, we are witnessing the exponential decline, on multiple fronts of the American church and thus in turn of our society. This breeds watered down, ‘tare like’ “believers”. And when the going gets tough, they fall apart faster than a house of cards in a tornado. Zero conviction. When we fail to know the Word of God, we become easy prey to any wind of doctrine that comes along, i.e. prosperity Gospel, purpose driven Gospel, Word of Faith Gospel, etc.
Family, we are in a very dangerous, precarious and critical place as the church in America. Easy pickings for the enemy. So, what are the very likely results? Well, if you watch ‘Disciples In The Moonlight’ you’re gonna get a small, yet very possible Bird’s Eye view of where we ARE headed. And let me tell you, it’s not good!
Let me admonish each and everyone of us (present company included) to dig deep into His Word! Love it! Read it! Live it! Know it! Memorize it! It is a spring from where all wisdom flows. It’s truly our only offensive weapon listed by Paul in Ephesians 6. As much as I highly dislike “Christianese”, there was one good acronym for the word Bible that I read decades ago as a kid, and I still remember it to this day:
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
How can we expect to live our lives for Christ here on earth if we’re not willing to read what He has to say to us through in His Word? It’s Truth captured between two leather covers. Be thankful you still have the freedom to buy and own one—a real, bonafide Bible! Stop taking it for granted.
Here are a few takeaway questions to ponder (indirectly presented) to each viewer in the movie:
What would you do if the Bible became illegal?
What if it was considered hate speech?
If it was a crime to be in possession of one and your life was at stake for it would you still own one?
Would you forfeit the true Word of God and turn it in for a “State” sanctioned version?
How much does the Bible truly mean to you?
Are you all in?
Only you and the Lord know the answers to each of these questions friend.
😁Have a nice day!👍🏻
P.s. I want to take a moment and let you all know that it’s my opinion that what you see taking place in the movie WILL happen here in America (or whatever is left of her) after the bride of Christ, the Church is taken out of this world via the rapture. So, in the meantime:
“…be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” 2 Timothy 4:5 (NKJV)
Share the hope of Jesus with as many people as you can because I truly believe we are living on borrowed time! Maranatha! The clock is about to strike 5pm—are you ready for clock out time?
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