
Cartoons And Jesus: Thinking The "Right" Way

A fantastic sit down conversation with syndicated editorial cartoonist and Jesus follower Gary Varvel.

It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. If that's the case, then Gary Varvel could "write" volumes with all of his editorial cartoons. Let me tell you as an "artist": What Gary has done over the years is no easy feat. The ability to not only come up with cartoons, but to come up with cartoons that can convey deep meanings with a single image is truly a gift. Gary has that gift! But above his amazing illustration talent and wit, he is a follower of Jesus Christ!

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As you watch this interview with Gary, my hope is that you will see how his love for the Lord not only spilled over into his professional life, but more importantly, how he was able to instill that love and passion for Jesus in his children. More often than not, careers and ministry have a tendency to take the place of our families. Success comes at a cost. Some of us are more than willing to "sacrifice" our families on the altar of success. However, Gary's greatest success has not been the fame and recognition that he has gained over the years through his syndication as an editorial cartoonist. No, by looking at his family, we can measure Gary's success. That's not something that you see a lot of these days.

It was such a breath of fresh air to talk to someone who had succeeded in his earthly craft and yet used it as a springboard to witness in a workplace often devoid of God and Godly values. Of course, this wasn't void criticism or opposition. Remember family: Every time you work for the Lord, every time you try to shine the light of Christ in "dark places," the enemy will always be ready to meet you with opposition and much difficulty. But remember that we serve the King of kings. We serve God Almighty, the great I AM! Philippians 4:13 says this:

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (NKJV)

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I'm not a linguist or a Greek scholar. However, I believe that the word "all" in the Greek language means "ALL"! Shine the light of Christ everywhere you go. Use your talents for Him and for His glory. But above all, remember that our first ministry is to our family. The family is under much attack these days. The enemy wants nothing more than to destroy what God created. The family institution is society's greatest asset besides Christ! If you're not already leading your family in the ways of Jesus, you need to become that leader for them. Don't just talk about Jesus. Model Him to your family. I'm not saying you're going to be perfect. There's no such thing. Be real.

As a parent, I know I've made my share of mistakes. At times, it's hard to extend the same kind of grace that our Lord extends to each and every one of us. If our actions and words are not in harmony, then how are we supposed to exemplify Christ to them? Let me see if I can give you a quick breakdown of the propoer "spiritual" priorities.

The number one priority is your relationship with the Lord God Almighty—period! If that is not right, then nothing is going to be right!

Your relationship with your spouse (if you're married) is number two.

Yes, this is even more important than that of your children. Again, your children will pay the price if your marriage is not right. How are they going to know what a healthy marriage looks like if it's not modeled for them?

Number three: Your children.

And number four: Your job and everything else after that. That family is the right list of priorities to have. In that order!


I didn't intend this very short article to be about spiritual priorities. But I guess the Holy Spirit had other plans. Ask the Lord to help you rearrange your priorities if they are out of order and see if the Lord doesn't revolutionize your family. The effects of modeling Christ to your children in word and deed are priceless and go far beyond what we can imagine. If you don't believe me, take a look at what Gary's kids are doing as a way to make a difference for the Kingdom of God. You can't do this on your own. You need Him! If your priorities are out of order, ask the Lord for wisdom to help you rearrange them. Have a look at what James says about wisdom in James 1:5:

“If any of you lacks wisdom (and trust me family, I do!), let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him (Praise the Lord for that!).” (NKJV) Comments in BOLD added by myself.

I know I need all the Godly wisdom I can get. Do you? I hope and pray that you enjoy this podcast and are ministered to by what Gary has to say. By the way, you’ll get to hear what his kids are up to these days.

May the Lord richly bless you all.

😁Have a nice day!👍

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Gary Varvel’s Website

Gary’s Son, Brett Varvel’s Studio ‘House Of Grace Studios’ Website

Disciples In The Moonlight Movie