The seminaries have been infected by the liberal agenda & pass along their false teachings to a congregation that doesn’t engage with the Lord personally. They don’t read their Bible, pray until necessary & never question what comes from the pastor. So, never understanding the truth & developing a personal relationship with the Lord they are hooked. So many sit in church on Sunday, contribute to the “ministry “ & maybe even give their time & are still walking in blindness. Yet, they believe themselves to be a Christian.

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In 2007 I was 49 years old when I was born again PRAISE GOD!!! Thank YOU LORD JESUS!!!

This after I had sat and served in various churches and ministries 20 years professing to be a Christian.

I was self deceived until the time I sat down at age 49 and began to read THE SCRIPTURES for the very first time in my life! My plan was to know GOD better HIS plan was to revealed I didn’t know HIM at all!!! PRAISE GOD I am know longer included with the many that will one day hear JESUS say, depart from ME I never knew you…!!!

Believe me or not THE LORD from the beginning told me my greatest mission field was not across the ocean but the churches here in America.

My testimony is not well received by professing Christians but the true and few Christians rejoice with me!

As you know the remnant is small weak but standing strong IN CHRIST JESUS.

Not only is the devil our adversary so too are those still inside the church of the laodiceans!

PRAYING for us all🙏❤️😘

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God bless you and we need to pray for one another. I love Jesus and I love people.

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