Pablo……man did you open a can of worms with this video! I chuckle, but then I could cry.
So many “ if onlies”. BUT GOD, as JD Farag always says….we have a heavenly Father who knows regrets…as He was sorry or regretted ( repented) He made man in the beginning when he turned out to be so wicked.
We learn from our mistakes and regrets,,,so we use God’s precious Word to heal, strengthen and guide us on this journey here til He Comes!
Be blessed Pablo,Inez and Jeremiah!
May the Lord continue to guide and encourage you all! ♥️🙏🏻
Hi Lori!!! Can opening is my specialty. LOL! Trust me, I couldn't agree with you more on all the "if only's" in my life. I know that the older I get, the enemy wants to pester me even more with those. And, if I happen to entertain them, I can get so down about it. But God! Yes!
Prayerfully, we do learn from our mistakes, though I have to say there are some I've had to learn over and over fun. I am truly amazed at God's grace and mercy. They truly are new every day. Praise Him for it.
Thank you so, so much—as always—for such encouragement! May the Lord bless you and your hubby!
One of the biggest areas of regret in my life is my romantic decisions and not allowing the Holy Spirit into that area of my life when I knew better. Ended up going through a divorce back in 2008 and then shacked up with an ungodly woman from 2016 to 2019. That ended in a lot of heart ache and devastating pain. No kids, no legacy. All I can say is God finally got through my thick skull that he has to be in charge of every area, especially a romantic relationship. I'm 54 and not sure there's any woman in my future, but I've left it in God's hands and I'm focusing on my relationship with Him and not doing anything in my strength to make something happen like online dating or whatever. In the past I would get in a panic about being single and trying to make something happen. Now I'm confident that if God wants that for me, He's perfectly capable of arranging a meeting with someone while I'm busy about doing His will in my life.
Dude, Trevor, I like the way you called it "romantic" area. If I can be blunt, mine was the lust area. As much as some may think that's TMI (Too Much Information), I've always been vocal how my battle with Pornography spilled into other areas of my life and tainted my view on relationships. But God was sooooo gracious by bringing healing and restoration in my life.
The best thing you can do is exactly what you're doing, leave it all in His hands. There's no use in crying over spilled milk, right? We can't go back and change the past, but, we can allow the Lord to lead us and pave the way for us as we walk with Him day by day. He's got this! The Lord is the best matchmaker dude! I've learned (more times than I care to admit) that when I try to take the helm, I mess things up royally. But, when I take a backseat and let the Lord do the driving and guiding, things go much smoother.
Keep following His lead and you can't go wrong brother! Thanks so much for sharing!
Haha indeed. Lust for sure. God showed me I had made women and sex an idol and definitely elevated women above God. Funny when I used to read the Old Testament and scoff at the foolish Israelites bowing down to idols and saying to myself "I'd never do that!" Now I realize how much sexuality was tied to their idolatry and their orgies that they were participating in in their groves and the light bulb went on. Indeed, pornography is a cancer that is devastating men in the Church and keeping us from everything God has in store for us. I think of how Paul referred to the dissipation of alcohol and it's much the same with lust. It robs one of all that God would do for them. And what I thought was romantic love was in fact me trying to consume women to fill my emptiness and I was very selfish. Only by submitting to God can a man truly love a woman the way he should.
Pablo……man did you open a can of worms with this video! I chuckle, but then I could cry.
So many “ if onlies”. BUT GOD, as JD Farag always says….we have a heavenly Father who knows regrets…as He was sorry or regretted ( repented) He made man in the beginning when he turned out to be so wicked.
We learn from our mistakes and regrets,,,so we use God’s precious Word to heal, strengthen and guide us on this journey here til He Comes!
Be blessed Pablo,Inez and Jeremiah!
May the Lord continue to guide and encourage you all! ♥️🙏🏻
Hi Lori!!! Can opening is my specialty. LOL! Trust me, I couldn't agree with you more on all the "if only's" in my life. I know that the older I get, the enemy wants to pester me even more with those. And, if I happen to entertain them, I can get so down about it. But God! Yes!
Prayerfully, we do learn from our mistakes, though I have to say there are some I've had to learn over and over fun. I am truly amazed at God's grace and mercy. They truly are new every day. Praise Him for it.
Thank you so, so much—as always—for such encouragement! May the Lord bless you and your hubby!
One of the biggest areas of regret in my life is my romantic decisions and not allowing the Holy Spirit into that area of my life when I knew better. Ended up going through a divorce back in 2008 and then shacked up with an ungodly woman from 2016 to 2019. That ended in a lot of heart ache and devastating pain. No kids, no legacy. All I can say is God finally got through my thick skull that he has to be in charge of every area, especially a romantic relationship. I'm 54 and not sure there's any woman in my future, but I've left it in God's hands and I'm focusing on my relationship with Him and not doing anything in my strength to make something happen like online dating or whatever. In the past I would get in a panic about being single and trying to make something happen. Now I'm confident that if God wants that for me, He's perfectly capable of arranging a meeting with someone while I'm busy about doing His will in my life.
Thank you Pablo for this podcast.
Dude, Trevor, I like the way you called it "romantic" area. If I can be blunt, mine was the lust area. As much as some may think that's TMI (Too Much Information), I've always been vocal how my battle with Pornography spilled into other areas of my life and tainted my view on relationships. But God was sooooo gracious by bringing healing and restoration in my life.
The best thing you can do is exactly what you're doing, leave it all in His hands. There's no use in crying over spilled milk, right? We can't go back and change the past, but, we can allow the Lord to lead us and pave the way for us as we walk with Him day by day. He's got this! The Lord is the best matchmaker dude! I've learned (more times than I care to admit) that when I try to take the helm, I mess things up royally. But, when I take a backseat and let the Lord do the driving and guiding, things go much smoother.
Keep following His lead and you can't go wrong brother! Thanks so much for sharing!
Haha indeed. Lust for sure. God showed me I had made women and sex an idol and definitely elevated women above God. Funny when I used to read the Old Testament and scoff at the foolish Israelites bowing down to idols and saying to myself "I'd never do that!" Now I realize how much sexuality was tied to their idolatry and their orgies that they were participating in in their groves and the light bulb went on. Indeed, pornography is a cancer that is devastating men in the Church and keeping us from everything God has in store for us. I think of how Paul referred to the dissipation of alcohol and it's much the same with lust. It robs one of all that God would do for them. And what I thought was romantic love was in fact me trying to consume women to fill my emptiness and I was very selfish. Only by submitting to God can a man truly love a woman the way he should.