Once again,,,great informative program! Patrick Wood is always, always a fountain of great info and I might add,,one who makes this stuff easy to understand for us illiterate tech people..lol.

We know where this is heading, but sadly if the internet plays a part in the future after the rapture,,the real information about this world, life and all else that matters will be gone and replaced with the artificial! Just as the title they label intelligence with “ artificial intelligence .” That says it all …ARTIFICIAL , yet people are depending on it all the time for truth! God gave us, humans the only intelligence on the planet! So the AI is Deception at its best!

God bless you both…our King is coming soon! Keep your heart and mind in the word of God!


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Hi Lori! I agree that the Lord gave us true intelligence. As you and Pat said, it is after all artificial. Not real. And, its perspective is skewed and partisan to the ideals of those that design, code and finance it. But God!

He's coming back soon! Amen to that!!! Blessings to you Lori. Always good to see and read your comments.

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Excellent talk. Man's crafty conniving can't come close to the abilities of the one who made us all. Quantum is just beginning on the edges of what Jesus has running in his mind, and what He is giving us in a short time when we marry Him and become one with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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Hi David. Thanks for the comment. Man thinks he's above God, as we said in the podcast much like those in the days of the tower of Babylon. It's the elusive quest for the lie from satan that we can be like God. The spiritual battle rages on. As I said in the above comment though...But God!

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