Pablo…very very good podcast brother! All of this stuff needs to be spoken about and shared. We as the born again believers are hiding how desperately wicked and evil sin is,,not just porn but all the wickedness man has dreamed up. Just as the Bible says,,,there is NOTHING too wicked that mans heart can devise! Pray that church leaders and believers in general wake up and shout from the house tops and pulpits that satan is on his last prowl to kill, steal and destroy our very souls.

Thank you for your boldness and thanks to VinnDogg And Tim too for being bold enough to speak out! Blessings to you all! 🇨🇦♥️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Hi Lori! Please accept my apologies for such a late, late reply. As always, I am so grateful for your continued encouragement. Unfortunately, I don't think that the church will "revive". Though I do believe that there are remnants of Philadelphia and Smyrna churches still around. Most are apostate and/or ultra lukewarm. But God! He is in control. He sees all things, and, sees the end from the beginning. Though the darkness seems to be gaining much ground, remember that even one candle still gives off light. So, as long as we are here, we must continue to shine our lights until we are called home! Soon!

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Great interview and appreciate your guests. We are definitely to the point of desensitization to the evil all around us. Only God can save us at this point with His Son Jesus returning for His bride. Sending prayers 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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