Sep 17Liked by Pablo Frascini

Blessings Pablo…as always you delivered a great thought provoking read.

We , so many times think God can only do things if we are notable or a stand out member of a church or organization . But God uses even the most insignificant person to do either a small or great thing for His Kingdom. We just need to be willing and obedient. It is not always the most bold or fancy work we carry out in obedience, but God knows our faithfulness and will always reward us for our efforts, either here or in glory! Our reward is great for obedience and trust!

Thanks for your reads. You are always so timely and to the point and a great encouragement. ♥️

God bless your continued faithfulness as we await His call to “ Come up here!”


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Hi Lori. Always good to read your encouraging comments and to know that they are a blessing!

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Sep 15Liked by Pablo Frascini

MUCH needed word this morning. Thank you and abundant blessings for your faithful service. Earlier this year in my Bible reading when I came to Gideon, that phrase " men of valor " really stood out to me. It is a word not used much anymore, sadly. I looked it up to refresh the full depth of its meaning (great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle ) and began to cry. I could see all the men and women of valor that the LORD, in HIS unending grace and mercy, has raised up for these days. Gifts of mercy to HIS Church and the lost. I give thanks daily for them, Pastors, watchmen, men and women of valor, you are among them.🙏

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Hi there Jennifer. The last time I heard someone use that phrase was when my family and I were attending Cottonwood Church. It is a very large church. Our son was very young, oh, about five or six years old I'd say. As we were walking into the church building, one of the ushers getting people coming in extended his hand to my son and said "mighty man of valor". Every time he'd see our son from then on, he'd say "there he is, mighty man of valor." That stuck with me especially in light of Gideon. I can relate very much so to Gideon as he felt unworthy and unqualified for God's calling. But God sees each of us through His eyes, not ours—praise God! Thank you so much for your prayers! I can't begin to tell you how much committed prayer warriors mean to me and my family. May the Lord richly bless you and thank you so much for writing in!

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Sep 15Liked by Pablo Frascini

Wow Pablo, your faith lesson really hit home for me. It is the third article I have read in three days that had the words 'Faith without works is dead'. Clearly, the Holy Spirit is sending me a not so subtle wake up call.

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Hi Kimberly. Amazing how the Lord speaks to us. Unfortunately, many within the church don't really believe that the Lord still speaks. Well, He does and I am so grateful for it. So glad that He ministered to you via the article. I know that as I wrote it, the Lord was talking to me as well. May the Lord continue to speak and bless you.

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