I've been of the opinion that for me anyway, incorporating was not appropriate. Why do I want to set up as a fake person to "protect" my assets? I have no assets, other than a relationship with the King.

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Hi David! Good to hear from you! Unfortunately, we live in a day and age wherein even "believers" are sue happy and money hungry. They'll use any excuse to acquire wealth. Crazy times for sure.

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Crazier than I could even imagine. Like you, all I can do is be a fool for the Messiah and press on.

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I really enjoyed this podcast with the good pastor. He has a gentle spirit and is very genuine. Have you ever wondered what actually happened on Pentecost when the apostles were gathered in the upper room and the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they all spoke in tongues? Before this event, the apostles were not as strong in their faith as they should have been, we have doubting Thomas and Peter who denied Jesus three times. But after this experience, they all changed in their boldness and spread the gospel to the known world at that time and eventually died for their faith. The difference was the Holy Spirit. Yes, we receive the Holy Spirit when we are saved and He comes and dwells with us. However, the Holy Spirit baptism with the evidence of speaking in tongues is for everyone--if you want it. As a former Catholic of Italian descent who was saved in a Pentecostal Full Gospel Church many years ago, this experience is as real today as it was back in the days of the apostles. In these last days, I believe that we as Christians, especially those with a ministry, need everything that God has to give us in order to equipt us for this very important work. God bless you and may God bless your ministry.

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Hi Rosemarie! Glad to hear from you. Yes, Pastor Ken is the real deal. He is truly a gentle spirit and so, so knowledgeable. His ability to recall quotes and so much information not only of the scriptures but of the plethora of books he's read is truly amazing.

I can't say that I've had the honor and privilege of being baptized by the Spirit as evidenced by speaking in tongues. I've asked. The Lord knows. So, I wait. I agree with you that we need as much of the Holy Spirit as we can get! Very true. I know there's more to my walk with the Lord than I currently have, and I want it. I am so grateful for your encouragement and kind words. Also, thank you so much for your prayers! May the Lord richly bless you in all you do.

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My prayers regarding our nation, the US, for the four years of the past administration, were asking the Lord to show us mercy. I also asked that if it was his will to do so, that he would allow Trump to be elected for the purpose of showing us just how bad our nation has fallen and because I knew he was going to try and expose the huge problems that the Lord might let that exposure bring some righteous accountability to the lawlessness of our leaders at all levels. I even said to the Lord that perhaps we could see Him punish those that have been hard a work destroying the foundations of our nation and the people of our nation. I know that at the great white throne judgement these people who did Satan's bidding will be punished, but I guess I was looking for just some tidbits of what has been going on to be exposed, sort of an appetizer if you will, because thinking people have been so exasperated at the lack of exposure and punishment of all the evils that have increased so much over the last decades. Will any of those that stole money and channeled it to their own enrichment or their own activist leanings. I guess we shall see if some of these crimes against the people of the US mishandling, and stealing from us will be legally punished. I know what the Lord has on His timeline so in no way do I view Trumps actions to stop the Lord's plan, and the best I hope for is that the true saints of the Lord will up their talking and praying for the unsaved.

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Hi Claudia! Thanks so much for your honest words. I think you're expressing the feelings of many within this country as well as many within the church. I'm not so sure what the Lord will allow us to see in terms of His justice, but, I know that nothing gets by Him. Nobody, and I mean nobody gets away with anything before the eyes of God Almighty. He sees it all. He knows it all. And, as He says in Deuteronomy 32:35:

"Vengeance is Mine, and recompense; Their foot shall slip in due time; For the day of their calamity is at hand, And the things to come hasten upon them.’ (NKJV)

The corruption here at home and abroad runs very deep. I believe it's a harbinger of things that will shortly take place. I hope and pray that the church will get its act together and start truly showing the light of Christ in such a dark world! Times are short. He's coming soon. This period of reprieve the Lord has given us is priceless and I hope we take full advantage of it, though I have my reservtions. Time will tell.

May the Lord bless you greatly and keep fighting the good fight!

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Pablo….you must do these at late hours…lol…well I guess it would be late in my neck of the woods!😉I never can catch the live, if youdid it live! Love listening to you and Pastor Ken.

Love the artwork 💕

God bless! 🇨🇦💕🙌

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Hi Lori! Well, don't feel too bad. I really don't do lives. Even when I "premiered" on YouTube, it wasn't 'live' but becasue it was "premiered", I was able to join in the live comments section. However, I don't do that any longer. To be honest, I've grown weary of trying, trying and trying to grow the ministry. It's so true what Chuck Smith used to say: "If you strive to gain, you have to strive to maintain". Maybe that's been my "achiles heel" is constantly trying to grow. So, I've kind of thrown my hands up and am waiting to see what the Lord wants instead of trying to constantly guess. I know one thing for sure, I WILL NOT do what most of these prophecy guys, including Pastors, are doing, and that is constantly using 'click bait titles' or 'fear mongering' titles just to grow their audience. As George Bush senior used to say: "Not gonna do it. Wouln'd be prudent!"

It's all in His hands. Just hoping and praying for something to give soon. Also, thank you and your hubby so, so much for your continued prayers! Blessings to you both.

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I like what I heard on another podcast today on this subject ! The person said the Lord said stop looking at how or wondering why another person who is doing God's work and to keep your eyes on Jesus and your responsibility to what he gave you to do for Him , anybody else's job or what he gave them to do is None of Your Business ! We have to keep doing our job and stop being involved in trying to figure what the others are doing better or worse that we're doing ! It doesn't matter or it shouldn't matter to us at all , our job is to be working for the Lord and doing what is right for Him. The problem is as humans we're too nosey and too quick to say Ah Hah ! I caught you not doing the right thing for God , obviously that's completely wrong and we get so hung up on this that we miss on what we our supposed to do for God that He mandated for us to do . So , what is going to be our response when the Lord comes and asks You how did you make out today with my tasks I appointed to you ? Think hard on your answer it could be a life or death answer !! 🤔

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